2017.2 update running out of memory while indexing project
After doing last update, when I try to open 2 projects, the program starts running out of memory while indexing, even having 8GB of RAM, the problem is that I can't set it to use more memory, because of the indexing task that locks the window from responding.
I'm considering to downgrade to 2017 1.4, where I could open up to 4 projects simultaneously.
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After update to PhpStorm 2017.3.4 I set back from 8192M to 2048M and appears to be fixed the "Out of Memory" problem (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000459084/comments/115000608064).
I've been getting this error in IntelliJ 2017.3.4 with this one project. I'm up to 2048M; it happens immediately upon opening the project. I'm not sure how to better diagnose the issue.
Saba's tip was very useful for me, thanks
PHPStorm 2018.2