GitLogProvider returns no result when filtering for files
I am using VcsLogData::getLogProvider for a given VCS root to find out the commits for a file. To get the actual commits I am calling logProvider::getCommitsMatchingFilter(root, filter, -1), whereas filter is filled ith a struture filter (i.e. VcsLogStructureFilterImpl).
This approach works totally fine for Unix based machines. I get all the commit data I need to solve my issue.
On Windows machines, no commits are returned. When looking for the issue, I found out that GitLogProvider builds filterParameters based on the filePath determined by VcsUtil::getFilePath(VirtualFile).
This filter ends up with a file like "D:\IdeaProjects\myProject\someFile.txt".
When filtering for this file directly on the command line
> git log -- D:\IdeaProjects\myProject\someFile.txt
no commits are returned. When filtering for
> git log -- someFile.txt
all my test commits are found.
On my Ubuntu system GitLogProvider also fills the parameter using the absolute path - however, Git can resolve the files here.
What can I do to make IntelliJ find my commits on a Windows machine? Again - the code works perfectly well on Unix machines. I am also not fussing around with files, but I am just using plain VirtualFiles.
BTW: I tested this with 2017.1 and 2017.2.
Edit: Some code for the reading of those commits:
val logProvider = vcsLogData.getLogProvider(root)
val filter = VcsLogFilterCollectionBuilder()
val commits = logProvider.getCommitsMatchingFilter(root, filter, -1)
.map { }"commitsFor(${}) - commits: $commits")
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Hi, Matthias,
Thanks for reporting the issue. What is the git version you are using under windows?
Julia Beliaeva
Hi Julia,
thanks for your response.
Those are the Git version I currently use:
- Windows: 2.12.3
- Ubuntu: 2.11.0
I wonder whether Git removed support for absolute paths?
Hi Julia,
just to keep you up to date: Overiding the #getFiles method and returning the relative paht fixes the issue for me. However, this behaviour looks like a bug within the OpenAPI to me.
Hi, Matthias,
Sorry for the late answer.
I could not reproduce problems with full paths for windows git of 2.12.2(3) and 2.14.1 versions. I could though find a stackoverflow post where author complains about full paths not working in
However, you are correct, we should form a command with relative paths. I'm going to fix this.
By the way, I have to warn you that method `getCommitsMatchingFilter` does not follow file renames.
Hi Julia,
Thank you so much ;-) I'll be happy to try out any new versions of idea!
Any recommendations as replacement for getCommitsMatchingFilter? Actually, I did only look for some method getting me the history of files.
You can get an instance of `VcsHistoryProvider` for your repository and retrieve history from it. Like this:
Where `project` is a current project, `root` is a repository root, `filePath` is a file. You can also implement your own partner to get revisions one by one as git loads them.
Cool thanks, then I'll change my implementation ;-)