I have just installed Anaconda, but I don't see the option-item "Conda env" in the list when I try to create/set an Conda env in Settings>Project>Project Interpreter>[action_mouse_click_on('cog_icon')]. (version: PyCharm 2017.2.1 x64)
I have just installed Anaconda, but I don't see the option-item "Create Conda env" in the list when I try to create/set an Conda env in Settings>Project>Project Interpreter>[action_mouse_click_on('cog_icon')]. (version: PyCharm 2017.2.1 x64)
Btw, when I installed Anaconda I check off the option of "registering Anaconda (Python 3.6) as the default on my system because I had one already an installation of Python on my system (2.7) and I wanted to install later Anaconda for Python 2.7) and so .... I do not want to have a default setting on my system." I have also read a remark from Anaconda's installer that with this option(checkbox to "on") tools such as PyCharm could detect Anaconda. I wonder if this is the reason why I have not seen the "Create Conda env" options together with "Local", "Remote" and "Create VirtualEnv"....?
Anyone knows why? Is this the intended behaviour in the above version of PyCharm?
I have googled and have seen that people use/select "Local" from the options list...(?) Is this the way to go? I would prefer to use "Create Conda env" since I have seen the guidelines/documentation/tutorial talk about PyCharm/(Ana)Conda integration thru "Create Conda env".
Remark: I know I can also setup envs with alternatives such as virtual env, but I just want PyCharm/Conda env to work properly.
Thanks in advance.
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PyCharm/Anaconda is installed on a Windows 7 machine.
Hello Urso,
Could you please clarify where your Anaconda installation is located? Thank you.
In c:\installedapps\Anaconda3.
Thanks for your reply. Your Anaconda interpreter is in a non-standard location that's why PyCharm can't find it and don't provide an option to create Conda Env. Please vote for the related issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-25907 to increase its priority and be notified about updates.
As workaround, you can create Conda Env outside of Pycharm and then add to Pycharm as local interpreter: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/configuring-python-interpreter.html#local-interpreter.