PyCharm CE hangs at start while "Loading modules..."


Since today, when I run PyCharm, it hangs while "Loading modules...". How can I troubleshoot/fix it?

Running it from console I get no output. CPU usage is very low. Running under Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit. Here the log file:


> cat ./.PyCharmCE2017.2/system/log/idea.log
2017-08-26 11:34:14,073 [      0]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - ------------------------------------------------------ IDE STARTED ------------------------------------------------------
2017-08-26 11:34:14,078 [      5]   INFO -     #com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI - User scale factor: 1.0
2017-08-26 11:34:14,078 [      5]   INFO -     #com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI - System scale factor: 1.4166666 (IDE-managed HiDPI)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,085 [     12]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - IDE: PyCharm Community Edition (build #PC-172.3317.103, 25 Jul 2017 17:14)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,085 [     12]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - OS: Linux (4.10.0-32-generic, amd64)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,085 [     12]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-915-b5 (JetBrains s.r.o)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,085 [     12]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM: 25.152-b5 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,086 [     13]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM Args: -Xbootclasspath/a:/home/fanta/.local/pycharm-community-2017.1/lib/boot.jar -Xms128m -Xmx750m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=240m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50 -ea -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd -Dsun.java2d.renderer=sun.java2d.marlin.MarlinRenderingEngine -XX:ErrorFile=/home/fanta/java_error_in_PYCHARM_%p.log -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/fanta/java_error_in_PYCHARM.hprof -Didea.paths.selector=PyCharmCE2017.2 -Djb.vmOptionsFile=/home/fanta/.local/pycharm-community-2017.1/bin/pycharm64.vmoptions -Didea.platform.prefix=PyCharmCore
2017-08-26 11:34:14,086 [     13]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - ext: /home/fanta/.local/pycharm-community-2017.1/jre64/lib/ext: [nashorn.jar, localedata.jar, sunpkcs11.jar, sunjce_provider.jar, jaccess.jar, cldrdata.jar, dnsns.jar, sunec.jar, zipfs.jar, jfxrt.jar, meta-index]
2017-08-26 11:34:14,086 [     13]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JNU charset: UTF-8
2017-08-26 11:34:14,097 [     24]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JNA library (64-bit) loaded in 10 ms
2017-08-26 11:34:14,164 [     91]   INFO - .intellij.idea.IdeaApplication - WM detected: Compiz
2017-08-26 11:34:14,508 [    435]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Plugin 'Markdown Navigator' can't be loaded because: Plugin is disabled
2017-08-26 11:34:14,551 [    478]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - 20 plugins initialized in 276 ms
2017-08-26 11:34:14,551 [    478]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded bundled plugins: CVS Integration (11), EditorConfig (172.3317.103), Git Integration (8.1), GitHub (172.3317.103), IDEA CORE (172.3317.103), IPython Notebook (0.1), IntelliLang (8.0), Python IntelliLang (VERSION), Python ReStructureText Integration (1.0), Python Terminal (VERSION), ReStructuredText Support (172.3317.103), Settings Repository (172.3317.103), Subversion Integration (1.1), Task Management (1.0), Terminal (0.1), YAML (172.3317.103), hg4idea (10.0)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,551 [    478]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded custom plugins: .ignore (2.0.4), Markdown support (2017.2.20170419)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,551 [    478]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Disabled plugins: Markdown Navigator (2.3.7)
2017-08-26 11:34:14,800 [    727]   INFO - - lower=100; upper=500; buffer=10; max=705
2017-08-26 11:34:14,829 [    756]   INFO - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Starting file watcher: /home/fanta/.local/pycharm-community-2017.1/bin/fsnotifier64
2017-08-26 11:34:14,835 [    762]   INFO - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Native file watcher is operational.
2017-08-26 11:34:14,945 [    872]   INFO - pi.util.registry.RegistryState - Registry values changed by user:
2017-08-26 11:34:14,945 [    872]   INFO - pi.util.registry.RegistryState - = true
2017-08-26 11:34:15,108 [   1035]   INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666; restored: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666
2017-08-26 11:34:15,353 [   1280]   INFO - - Default SSL context initialized
2017-08-26 11:34:15,430 [   1357]   INFO - rains.ide.BuiltInServerManager - built-in server started, port 63342
2017-08-26 11:34:15,460 [   1387]   INFO - gs.impl.UpdateCheckerComponent - channel: release
2017-08-26 11:34:15,532 [   1459]   INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - Index exts enumerated:20
2017-08-26 11:34:15,537 [   1464]   INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - Index scheduled:4
2017-08-26 11:34:15,546 [   1473]   INFO - tellij.psi.stubs.StubIndexImpl - All stub exts enumerated:3
2017-08-26 11:34:15,547 [   1474]   INFO - tellij.psi.stubs.StubIndexImpl - stub exts update scheduled:0
2017-08-26 11:34:15,568 [   1495]   INFO - j.ide.script.IdeStartupScripts - 0 startup script(s) found
2017-08-26 11:34:15,605 [   1532]   INFO -            PyTestLegacyInterop - Disabling com.jetbrains.python.testing.unittestLegacy.PythonUnitTestConfigurationProducer@7363479a
2017-08-26 11:34:15,605 [   1532]   INFO -            PyTestLegacyInterop - Disabling com.jetbrains.python.testing.pytestLegacy.PyTestConfigurationProducer@4f322d31
2017-08-26 11:34:15,605 [   1532]   INFO -            PyTestLegacyInterop - Disabling com.jetbrains.python.testing.nosetestLegacy.PythonNoseTestConfigurationProducer@5f09b2ee
2017-08-26 11:34:15,608 [   1535]   INFO - plication.impl.ApplicationImpl - 75 application components initialized in 1337ms
2017-08-26 11:34:15,611 [   1538]   INFO - .intellij.idea.IdeaApplication - App initialization took 2026 ms
2017-08-26 11:34:15,707 [   1634]   INFO - pl$FileIndexDataInitialization - Initialization done:170
2017-08-26 11:34:15,717 [   1644]   INFO - exImpl$StubIndexInitialization - Initialization done:10
2017-08-26 11:34:16,106 [   2033]   INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 17 project components initialized in 67 ms
2017-08-26 11:34:16,362 [   2289]   INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666
2017-08-26 11:34:16,363 [   2290]   INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666; restored: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666
2017-08-26 11:34:16,399 [   2326]   INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=22, fontScale=1.4166666; restored: fontSize=22, fontScale=1.4166666
2017-08-26 11:34:16,400 [   2327]   INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666; restored: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666
2017-08-26 11:34:16,400 [   2327]   INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=23, fontScale=1.4166666; restored: fontSize=23, fontScale=1.4166666
2017-08-26 11:34:16,400 [   2327]   INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666; restored: fontSize=17, fontScale=1.4166666
2017-08-26 11:34:16,535 [   2462]   INFO - .openapi.application.Preloader - Finished preloading com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.ActionPreloader@27a1843
2017-08-26 11:34:16,591 [   2518]   INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 94 project components initialized in 682 ms
2017-08-26 11:34:16,684 [   2611]   INFO - .openapi.application.Preloader - Finished preloading
2017-08-26 11:34:16,757 [   2684]   INFO - .openapi.application.Preloader - Finished preloading com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionPreloader@36d5de8a


From shell, I had put a directory under the workspace with a lot of small files. Removing that directory from the workspace resolved the issue.

Permanently deleted user

In my case, removing venv directory solved the problem


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