2017.4 hangs during indexing.
My current status is that I have re-booted and restarted WebStorm, but it starts indexing, and then simply hangs and won't respond to anything. In addition I have a Update Dependencies Info window active but it also doesn't respond.
I have been looking for log files, but I am not sure where they are.
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please provide a content of your log directory - see https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544519-Directories-used-by-the-IDE-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs
2017.1.4 is what I have.
In the meantime I am going to re-install the latest version
FYI, Installing 2017.2.4 did not solve my problem.
The latest logs
please try disabling .ignore plugin - does the issue persist?
will try shortly
is there a way to do that before starting the .exe? Because I can't get control of the process
Try deleting the `~\.WebStorm2017.2\config\plugins` folder. Or, ever better, remove the whole `~\.WebStorm2017.2` directory
Well, I should probably have just deleted the plugins folder, but I deleted the whole folder, as well as my older versions, which I realize now I should have left until after the import of all those lovely settings and configuration stuff. Cest la vie.
Anyway, So, you are saying the .ignore plugin was causing my issues?
yes, from the dumps it seems that it is blocking the file index building
Well that does seem to clean-up the present issue.
If, at my advanced years, I can remember this conversation, I will resolve this a little differently and less painfully next time.
Thank you
I had the same problem after upgrading to 2017.2.4. Disabling the `.ignore` plugin did the trick. Thanks!
Same as Chris Grayson. After upgrading to 2017.2.4 (though not WebStorm but IntelliJ IDEA) I had the same issue, which also resulted in incomplete indexes, i.e. some classes/files didn't show up in the corresponding search box.
I can understand, that a plugin can be a problem, however what I have an issue with is that 2017.2.4 doesn't seem to recognize that it needs to disable the plugin. Even after trashing all my plugins and starting from scratch, I still get an occasional "loss of control" situation where I have almost no choice but to button hold the power button, because I just can't get the OS to respond sanely.
@Ehallander, if you continue having this issue even after disabling the plugin, please provide new content of your log folder.
Just thought I'd post that I just had this happen with:
PhpStorm 2017.3 EAP
Build #PS-173.3622.27, built on November 9, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b6 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
Deleting the idea-gitignore plugin also fixed the problem for me.
Just updated to Webstorm 2017.4 and encountered the same problem and disabling/uninstalling the ignore plugin fixed it for me as well
Just started running PyCharm and stuck on same problem.
There is no option button to pause the interpreter or indexing options.
PyCharm version: 2017.3
OS: Mac
This is not indexing, this is interpreter updating (installing packages, etc.). Please report it at PyCharm forum (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/200379535-PyCharm), don't add comments to age-old unrelated threads
if the index is looping all the time, my issue was fixed by clearing the cash of intelliJ