Report to JetBrains button Disabled
There are times the report to JetBrains button is greyed out when critical errors happen, why?
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then your prompt should state that there is nothing to do here.... Because fact is, I'm left with a ?. I see it states a plugin failure but if you're prompting people to submit bugs, and you think it's a third party plugin failure, at least that prompt should say hey, that's a third party plugin failure, please follow-up with them. Otherwise I'm left as a user of WebStorm with "I can't report it". And how do I JetBrains doesn't value those errors? I just assume they do because they're prompting me! Greyed out button tells me the user nothing.
Whoever from JetBrains is reading this, please improve the user experience with this prompt in these circumstances, this is stupid.
I know that! I'm saying you should give some kind of out, like a close this prompt or something. I'm left with "? I guess I should just close this". Not a very good user experience. Better yet, change the button to say "close" instead of "report to jetbrains"
Would it be possible to simply remove the "Report to JetBrains" button entirely when it's a third-party plugin erroring out? That might make things less confusing.
I'm a new PyCharm user, and I just ran it for the first time, and I got one of these "IDE Fatal Errors" popups when I created my first project. As a new user, this was confusing: I thought the greyed-out "Report to JetBrains" button indicated there was an issue with the error-reporting mechanism itself, and I wasn't sure what to do with the info and links at the top of the dialog. It's only when I googled it and ended up on this bug report page here that I understood what it was saying and what I should do.
For reference, here's what I saw:
The error appears in a third-party plugin. In this case you should report to its vendor as indicated in the message.
Please see the first and second lines in the popup. They say: "Exception in plugin... This plugin is not a production of JetBrains. Please report the problem to plugin vendor".