Webstorm on High Sierra asks keep memory changes on load fro disk at every cmd+s action

after update my webstorm is unusable, every cmd+s action triggers the window told's me that file was changed on disk and in memory both.




oh, as i see this behavior same for intelijIdea and pycharm too :(


it's completely unusable


This dialog usually appears if there is a conflicting change (same file is modified in the IDE and externally, by some other program).

Do you have any tools running externally that are watching and modifying your files? no dropbox sync or other programs watching your directory? Do you have any symlinks in the project path?


Similar issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-26383. But it's not clear what's going on


no, i dont use any other tools, i start receive this dialog at the exact same time with upgrading mac to the high sierra. I think this belong to new FS by Apple


Haven't heard of such issues..

Do you have all your files stored locally (not on dropbox, mounted disk, etc.)? Can you recreate the issue and provide your idea.log (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files)? please put it on some file server and provide a link, don't paste it - it's normally huge and hardly readable


all files stored locally, why I should create new issue? can I attach document just here?


In the log I can see:

Running jscs command: /usr/local/bin/node /Users/aka_toxa/development/radiansoft/loftrent_frontend_client/node_modules/.bin/jscs ApartmentBooking.js --config=/Users/aka_toxa/development/radiansoft/loftrent_frontend_client/.jscsrc --reporter=checkstyle -v
2017-10-11 15:16:08,102 [2816985]   INFO - mpl.MemoryDiskConflictResolver - reload ApartmentBooking.js from disk?
2017-10-11 15:16:08,102 [2816985]   INFO - mpl.MemoryDiskConflictResolver -   documentStamp:4016
2017-10-11 15:16:08,102 [2816985]   INFO - mpl.MemoryDiskConflictResolver -   oldFileStamp:3951


Can you check if disabling JSCS plugin makes things any better?


no luck, I've updated an archive on the link below with new logs after disabling jscs plugin.
I think this is not a problem of specific configuration of webstorm, because I faced this issue with intelij idea and pycharm as well


can't see new logs - archive available by the link seems to be the same...

Anyway, one more check: try disabling "Use "safe write"" in Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings - does it make any difference?


it helps, but it looks like hacky solution, I prefer to use safe write in the future :)


Hey, today i've noticed that this issue not solved yet.. ( it appears again 


Im having the same issue as you have, not only the file cache conflict when save, it also frequently popping "undo Reload from Disk?"  when I wan to undo something. Mine also happen after the upgrade to Mac OS High Sierra. And does anyone notice is actually slower in performance too, especially when scrolling through long code, also not very smooth scrolling on the left file browser. It never like this on Mac OS Sierra. I was wondering if there is anything to do with file system update on High Sierra, when we updated to High Sierra, the file system is change to APFS file system. Support team please look into this issue as it bug us a lot.


We have been unable to recreate the issue so far - none of us has faced issues saving files on High Sierra. Please make sure that your projects are stored locally (no mounted/shared drives, no tools monitoring your files, including antiviral tools) and all custom plugins are disabled.

If the issue persists, please provide the generated idea.log files (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files)


I try to clear the idea.log, then I try to save my file and I got the "file cache conflict" dialog, then I try to check my idea.log, I got this few line of code after the dialog pop up.


2017-10-13 14:16:17,666 [ 39261] INFO - mpl.MemoryDiskConflictResolver - reload app.blade.php from disk?
2017-10-13 14:16:17,666 [ 39261] INFO - mpl.MemoryDiskConflictResolver - documentStamp:2511
2017-10-13 14:16:17,666 [ 39261] INFO - mpl.MemoryDiskConflictResolver - oldFileStamp:2106


I have confirm the drive is not shared not mounted and is local. Like I said it has been perfectly fine before upgrade to High Sierra, after upgraded to High Sierra, the file is maintain in the same location, and no plugins added as well.




please provide the log files (put them on some file server and publish a link here)


I tried to disabled all plugin already, but still same.


I think I found the problem, it is because im running docker + dinghy, the file is mounted into docker. But why It is ok in Sierra but not ok in High Sierra? I tried to stop dinghy and save without file cache conflict. 


>But why It is ok in Sierra but not ok in High Sierra? 

High Sierra uses a different file system - APFS - where timestamps are more accurate. In previous file system, files were time-stamped with one-second precision, so, if the file was overwritten during same second, WebStorm (IDEA, etc.) didn't notice the change and no conflicts occurred. APFS time-stamps files with one-nanosecond precision, so IDEA can now track the changes - it sees that the file has been updated since changing it in IDEA


I can guarrante that there is no any apps has access to the code that im writting. Also I can guarantee that all files stored locally (im not so stupid to be wrong here) 


Here is new log, I've tried to update all my products to the latest version and still faced this issue



This issue follows me in the CLion, IntellijIDEA, WebStrom and PyCharm. Please, try to reproduce it and fix, because if it will still happen I will drop my all products pack subscription to your products. My work is unbelievable non productive now


actually, you can use tiger hash algorithm on file content, it's fast enough to use it on save action


>High Sierra uses a different file system - APFS - where timestamps are more accurate. In previous file system, files were time-stamped with one-second precision, so, if the file was overwritten during same second, WebStorm (IDEA, etc.) didn't notice the change and no conflicts occurred. APFS time-stamps files with one-nanosecond precision, so IDEA can now track the changes - it sees that the file has been updated since changing it in IDEA

So what should I do now to avoid seeing the dialog pop up whenever I save or undo?


@Warrence you have to make sure that no tools are touching your files


Yes I’m sure. I tried to stop my docker dinghy and it was fine, whenever I start Docker dinghy then got problem. So I’m pretty sure is something to do with dinghy docker + APFS, because preciously at Sierra exactly same setup is no problem. Anywhere to disable the file cache conflict ?


>I can guarrante that there is no any apps has access to the code that im writting.

what about antiviral tools, sync utilities, etc?


No I dont use any sync tools, I use git to sync code with others and jenkins to deploy to the server. I totally dont use dropbox or any other cloud fs client to sync files with my mac, I dont have any antiviral tool

One tool that I use that ha access to the code is a webpack dev server, but for test purpose I'm turning it off, even internet connection.

I can provide any extra information about system you ask


Try adding `idea.io.use.nio2=true` to Help | Edit Custom Properties (and restart the app) - does it make any difference?


> Try adding `idea.io.use.nio2=true` to Help | Edit Custom Properties (and restart the app) - does it make any difference?


it helps, thank you


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