Class file from PsiJavaFIle
Is it possible to create or get the corresponding, compiled class file out of an existing PsiJavaFile from the project view?
I need it for a Java patch plugin in IntelliJ, where we directly patch classes.
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Hi Stefan,
BytecodeViewer plugin does similar thing. Please check ByteCodeViewerManager.getByteCode(PsiElement element)
public static String getByteCode(@NotNull PsiElement psiElement) {
PsiClass containingClass = getContainingClass(psiElement);
if (containingClass == null) return null;
CompilerPathsEx.ClassFileDescriptor file = CompilerPathsEx.findClassFileInOutput(containingClass);
if (file != null) {
try {
return processClassFile(file.loadFileBytes());
catch (IOException e) {
return null;
This perfectly works, thank you!