Prevent Clipboard Search


Trying to find where I can disable the autofill for searches. Every time I open a search dialog it automatically fills whatever is in the clipboard, so if I search and then copy something to my clipboard it automatically updates the search dialog with whatever is in my clipboard, which isn't what I want. I assume there is a way to turn this off? It's pretty annoying to have to copy my search terms to an external text document because the app is going to change my search and I have to go in and fix it every time I copy any text to the clipboard.


Strange. My version behaves differently. It fills the search with current selection, not the clipboard.

If there's no selection - the search stays the same.


Maybe it's the selection rather than the clipboard. It's just that I search for something, then copy a line of code and go to find a page in the search I just did and the search has been changed and I have to search again in order to find what I wanted (and had already found before the app changed the terms). I just don't want the app changing my search unless I tell it to.



Just to get the obvious out of the way: you search with ctrl-f, copy with ctrl-v then you press ctrl-f again?


Would help understand your problem better, if you could record the problem using or something like that.

P.S. Not a JetBrains employee.

Vladimir Luchansky

You can use "Open in Find Window" button in the bottom right corner to keep the search results from closing.

If you would like to work with different searches, you can enable "Open in new tab" option in the Settings (bottom left corner).


Using shift-cmd-F to search the whole project. I enter code to search, then if I copy something else onto the clipboard and go back to the search window, the search has changed and I have to go back and find the original code so that I can see the results because the app has changed my search to whatever I copied and the old results are gone.


I don't know how to fix your issue.

In cases I know I'll return to results of a search multiple files I usually use "Find in path" on project root, and then click "Open in Find Window" (ctrl+enter), so that no matter that I do, my search results will stay safe in a seperate "Find" tab that you can minimize\maximize when needed.


After some more testing it looks like it is definitely the selection that is replacing the search so if I copy something I guess I just have to make sure I deselect it before trying to do anything else, which is a pain but not as annoying as not knowing how to avoid it at all. It looks like it auto-fills the search with the selection only if it was selected in an open document, not if it is selected in a preview window, so that's a bit odd too. I guess I was hoping that there was a way to either disable that auto-fill feature or to make it so that find in path always opens in a tab, but there doesn't appear to be a way to do either of those.


>not if it is selected in a preview window, so that's a bit odd too.

Well ... if you select something in a preview window and hit shortcut for Find in Path ... it will search for the selection...

>I guess I was hoping that there was a way to either disable that auto-fill feature

AFAIK there is no such option (2017.2.4)

(P.S. I personally love it -- no need to remember copy-paste step -- just select and hit the shortcut)

>or to make it so that find in path always opens in a tab

Could you please clarify on this one -- what exactly you wish to have opened in a tab?

Vladimir Luchansky

Also note that there's search history in Find in Path window - just click on the magnifying glass icon to access all previous searches if you need to search for something again.


How can I disable this??  It's really annoying.  When I select something and hit cmd-c, cmd-f cmd-v it's double pasted in the find buffer.  Burns me every time.  There needs to be an option for this.  It needs to work like every other Mac editor program in the universe and be different if you want it to be.


Yeah, that gets me a lot too. It's just so instinctual to do that combo quickly that I don't even think about it. Rationally, I understand that just hi-lighting and CMD-F is more efficient but the other way is such a habit, lol. Luckily a quick CMD-A CMD-V will fix it up quick.

I never did find a way to disable the feature. The best solution I found was to not have anything highlighted when I hit search. As long as I remember to do that it doesn't auto-fill at least but would definitely be nice to have the option to turn it off.


I have tried to do it right for over a year, and still screw it up like 20 times a day.  You have to highlight the text to copy it so now I have to remember to unhighlight it before doing a find.  Again - completely counter intuitive to every other editor ever made.  Thanks for letting me know you didn't find anything either.  JetBrains - you need to do something about this.  I've got everyone around the table using your products and absolutely everyone is hitting the same issue. 

Ilyukevich Victor

That "auto-fill" the search field is super annoying! It doesn't match with behavior of any other app in the system. Idea, please-please add a possibility to disable it. I'll do my own `cmd-v` when needed. I don't need your help with that which actually kills productivity. Thanks in advance :)


Is there any way that we can a build with this disabled??  It continues to screw me up on a daily basis!


+1 Please give users an option to disable this "feature"


Looking for a fix for this as well. I've been trying to get over it for a year now, still mess it up daily.


Posting +1 here wouldn't help. Please submit a feature request to make this feature optional. Similar to


+1 Yeah, I tried to change, but hell, I'm used to use it the other way,

I came to this post cuz :S


+1 Please make it optional :) It is really annoying.


Yep this hits me several times a day in IDEA as well. Cmd-C, Cmd-F, Cmd-V, it's just muscle memory. It's really important for productivity for apps to conform to the platform UX they're running on.


We need this to be optional. It is a muscle memory... Other apps behave different.


Oh, thanks, adjusted


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