Grammarkit/psi Implement custom language


i have some problem with grammar-kit/psi to recognize  some part of code. This is an exemple of class that i wan't recognize with intelliJ plugin

#include "oop.h"
    PRIVATE STATIC_VARIABLE("string","Name");
    PRIVATE VARIABLE("string","Chaine");
    PUBLIC FUNCTION("string","constructor") {
        private _deuxiemeVar = "Test";

Everything is define as bad char in psy tool. Is anyone could give an exemple? Like recognize my class.

Is it possible to intelliJ to make auto completion without psiElement?
1 comment

Hi Minipopov,


PSI elements are the base for IntelliJ to parse your code. The parser will tokenize your code using Grammer file and then Lexer will use Lex/Flex file to map the actual token to grammar token and create a PSI element. I am not a pro here but I think you have to define a flex file to recognize your code. From the error message, I think you have already defined a flex file and probably it has a line similar to the below one. Hence you are getting Bad character error. You can remove this and define a proper lex file to match keywords and other tokens in your code.

[^]                                                        { return TokenType.BAD_CHARACTER; }

I hope this helps.


Happy coding,




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