Referencing a DbDataSource
I am writing a plugin for a PHP framework that simplifies work with the database.
When the user is viewing the database configuration file, I'd like them to be able to Ctrl+Click on a database name within a PHP string literal and be taken to the schema in the Database Tools window. Is this possible?
I tried the following. However, dataSource.getReference() always returns null.
public class DatabaseGroupReferenceContributor extends PsiReferenceContributor {
public void registerReferenceProviders(@NotNull PsiReferenceRegistrar psiReferenceRegistrar) {
final PsiElementPattern.Capture<PsiElement> pattern = psiElement()
new PsiReferenceProvider() {
public PsiReference[] getReferencesByElement(
@NotNull PsiElement psiElement,
@NotNull ProcessingContext processingContext) {
if (psiElement instanceof StringLiteralExpression) {
String nameInCode = ((StringLiteralExpression) psiElement).getContents();
MyDatabaseService service = ServiceManager.getService(psiElement.getProject(), MyDatabaseService.class);
for (DbDataSource dataSource : service.getDataSources()) {
JBIterable<? extends DasNamespace> schemas = DasUtil.getSchemas(dataSource);
for (DasNamespace schema : schemas) {
String name = schema.getName();
if (name.equals(nameInCode)) {
return new PsiReference[]{
return new PsiReference[0];
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First, please make your registration more specific
Second, return from getReferencesByElement, should include the references *you create*, eg
new MyDSReference(DS)...
Where MyDSReference has resolve() & isReferenceTo() correctly implemented, accepting and resolving to DS item