Keyboard Rebuild Shortcut does not do the same thing as the menu item


I have this odd behaviour in my install where hitting the Rebuild keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-F9) completes almost instantly and does nothing, whereas right-clicking and selecting the corresponding menu item does do the intended Recompile of the open file.

It's not that something is intercepting the shortcut because I do see the little 'progress' bar flash up for a fraction of a second, and when I disabled the keyboard shortcut there was no response, and when I re-enabled it the progress bar started appearing again..


Could you please share a sample project and provide the steps to reproduce this behavior?

Rebuild and Compile are completely different actions.


Same issue here with the latest version - Extremely annoying


Please provide the exact steps to reproduce the issue. What shortcut do you use? What action is called by this shortcut? What happens?


....actually, I think I know what it is.  I think the command "Ctrl+Shift+F9" applies to active window, so when I right click on my Project, that is the active context.  When the active context is the source file, ie, currently has the input caret, then it only rebuilds THAT context, ie, only rebuilds the source file.  So, I think the short cut key on the project is incorrect, the key short cut should probably be "Ctrl+F9" 

Fyi - On the build menu, the commands are;

Build project...........Ctrl+F9



Recompile <active source file with input caret>....Ctrl+Shift+F9



This is by design, if you have a module or a project selected, Ctrl+Shift+F9 will rebuild the entire project or module, not just one file:


Even the name of the action changes. Compare to the active file:



Thank you, just as I expected.  Perhaps a slight design improvement, if I may.  For global commands, irrespective of the action/context/active window, you draw the command short cut key binding in bold, or italics. Having matching key bindings has directly led to this confusion


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