Hi there,

No real clue (note: not a JB employee) .. but it might be because it did not pass initial spam-control checks (e.g. maybe too many pics/links or stuff like that -- my own comments are getting put on review from time to time (very rarely lately though) when I have quite few links in them, even if they lead to JB help pages), especially if it was your first post here.


Thanks for the explanation! How long may your posts take to get reviewed if not passing the filter?


No idea. As I understand it must be approved by one of the from Support team that has appropriate forum rights.

From my recent observation (approval of additional comment on already posted question by the same person) it took around 2 or 3 days.

If you really need it (urgent matter) -- try posting it again: include less info at first (links/images) and if it will be visible straight away -- edit it to provide the rest of relevant info (or as an additional comment)


Hi there, sorry for the inconvenience. That's a pretty rare situation when a valid post got put into a "pending approval" queue: that's why we might not check the "spam"/"pending approval" queue for a couple of days, sorry for that.

But you did a right thing by creating a new topic and bringing up our attention. Thanks!

Hope that clarifies things a bit. 


Apparently, this is a very common situation. 

Probably the form member doesn't use the form that actively anymore.

One of my post being held. And it's really annoying.



Sorry, we rarely getting user posts marked as spam. Yours was one of the rare cases in at least last 6 months I believe.

Permanently deleted user

my recent post becomes one of the rare cases and has been flagged as pending as well



Ahmed, at the moment when I looked at your post, it was not pending for approval any longed.


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