Unable to start correctly - 0xc000007b
Latest version of DataGrip, latest Windows 10. Without changing anything (to my knowledge) I started getting an "Unable to start correctly - 0xc000007b" error. No idea why. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't fix it. Now completely stuck
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I'm having the same issue and reported it to tech support issue #1177856. It looks like it was logged as ALL-2294
As of today 12/26/2017 I've not had a response
@Tomhogan, nice to know it isn't only me. I might have another crack at it soon. At the moment I have moved DataGrip onto another machine because I got nowhere trying everything
@vasilyChernov, I should have mentioned that my problem is with CLion. I've tried installing it with and without JetBrains Toolbox and the result is still the same.Hopefully, tech support can provide an answer.
This is caused by Windows' Exploit protection, by the Mandatory ASLR, to be exact. This is off by default on Windows, but can be changed. If you want to keep Mandatory ASLR on by default, you will have to add an override for idea.exe or idea64.exe (replace the name with your specific IDE) that disables Mandatory ASLR for the executable. Or you may run Idea without the exe wrapper, using idea.bat (in case of Idea IDE) the batch file.
@JanKlos was spot on. I started experienced 0xc000007b errors with CLion after enabling mandary ASLR in Windows 10. Thanks for the assistance!
@JanKlos - a brilliant find. You are absolutely correct!
@JanKlos nailed it!. After temporarily disabling ASLR, CLion installed and ran without a hitch. Thank you!
@JanKlos Same issue here.
Now how to I "add an override for idea.exe or idea64.exe ... that disables Mandatory ASLR for the executable"?
Look here - https://www.ghacks.net/2017/10/25/configure-windows-defender-exploit-guard-in-windows-10/
@MishaCharrett I tried this (Running on Windows 10 32-bit):
I turned everything off (by this stage I just wanted the application to work)
BTW, you don't have mandatory ASLR off in your settings (it needs to be off) ;-)
Done that (disabled everything), restarted the system, still does not work. The only difference being that it doesn't say "Execution protection violation" anymore: