JavaScript Debug 401 when loading js file behind a basic authentication
is it possible to inject a basic authentication (http://user:pass@localhost...) into the debuggers URL call? Or can i set a basic auth anywhere in the webstorm settings? (Of course I can set the authentication in the debugger configuration,but it only works for this URL only)
I'm able to start the debugger and it works well without a basic authentication on the server.
The problem is, that i'm getting a 401 in Webstorm-JS-Debugger, when the debugger wants to load another js file, e.g. http://localhost:port/app/view/main.js and the server requires a basic auth.
Best regards
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No, there is no way to set this up on the IDE end
Okay, the shortness of your anwser indicates that there is no workaround and that this usecase got no further attention, right?
I'm really interested in the possibility to debug the files inside an authenticated space.
Please feel free to create a feature request in youtrack,
Has this been updated? It is driving me crazy having to login every time I try and js debug, all of my pages are behind a login.