Flow crashes very often
It crashes when run project or code refactoring
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It crashes when run project or code refactoring
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what OS/Flow version do you use? what is logged in Flow console when the issue occurs?
OS: Windows Server 2008 r2

flow-bin: "^0.61.0"
Error:Process terminated
Please provide the output from Flow console in webStorm
Dec 13 21:05:25.127 [error] Closing connection 'server #1' due to uncaught exception in read loop: Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "read", "")
Dec 13 21:05:25.792 [error] Flow server (pid 196) exited with code Dfind_died (99)
Dec 13 21:05:25.792 [info] Creating a new Flow server
In the ticket it's written: "if I start task for client or server building for development - it crashes in resent minute"
Is the build target directory included in project? Did you try excluding it from indexing (Mark directory as/Excluded)?
# module.system=node
suppress_comment= \\(.\\|\n\\)*\\$FlowIgnore
# module.name_mapper.extension='css' -> '<PROJECT_ROOT>/src/flow/stub/css-modules.js'
# module.name_mapper='.*\.\(svg\|png\|jpg\|gif\)$' -> '<PROJECT_ROOT>/flow/src/stub/url-loader.js'
did you try excluding build folder from WebStorm indexing (Mark directory as/Excluded)?
.build directory is marked as excluded
Reproduced similar issue, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-30296.To me, the error is a bit different, but still related
it's also happens when it committing to git though i've added .git to [ignore] section too
it's mentioned in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-29880 linked to the ticket
and at all - Flow support in WebStorm is very pure unfotrunatelly (
there is not Flow type hinting when mouseover variable - like is in another tools
there is no full error's log about errors in the module - I need to open terminal ask Flow for error log and look through it fo error messages about the error
You can hit Ctrl+Q on variable to view info about inferred type
To see all errors, you can press Show all errors button in Flow tool window toolbar:
Thanks for response
in the last version there is appear full error log in a hover
have noticed that Flow crashes even if I run 'git gc' in terminal