NPM tool window is not available
Has anyone run into the issue with not being able to see 'NPM' under the tool windows in the View menu?
I have confirmed that NodeJS is enabled and am in version 2017.3.2.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
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can you open NPM toolwindow by choosing Show npm scripts in `package.json` right-click menu? Is your `package.json` located in the project root folder?
Right clicking in the package.json solved it. Thanks.
That works, but it was an annoyance having to search on Google and find this answer. Strange that it's missing, WebStorm should be able to pick up the package.json and show it as an option in the tool window menu. In previous projects I never used the right-click menu and somehow managed to get the npm scripts window showing...
As per Paul Myburgh's comments, the basic instructions for running a React app in IDEA state that you should use View | Tool Windows | NPM, which won't work until after you've done the right-click workaround.
I'd link the support manual, but this textbox won't let me past it in. Nice.
Issue is still actual for Webstorm 2019.2.1

Moreover, assigning hotkeys to "Show npm Scripts" action does not work.
You can open NPM toolwindow by choosing Show npm scripts in package.json right-click menu
I KNOW. It is said in very first message in this thread.
I'm talking about broken hotkeys, if you didn't notice.
Elena Pogorelova Any update on this?
11/2020 still an issue, Usability on this is zero to non-existent... is fixed in 2020.3
I've observed the issue just now in WebStorm 2023.1.4, happy to have found a workaround here.