PC not recognizing latest python version 3.6.4
PyCharm has kept up with python interpreters 2.7.12 and 3.5.2 but not 3.6.x. How can I get the project interpreter to reflect the current version of python? Only 3.6.0 shows in the available interpreters. PyCharm does accept f"{name} {number}" format strings indicating it is using python 3.6.4.
Running on OSX 10.12.8, PyCharm 2017.3.2
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Agreed. This version of PyCharm cannot recognize the interpreter, Python, even wth the correct path and name provided. I hope the PyCharm programmers are reading your comment and make corrections. This problem has cost me hours of lost time.
Can't you add a new interpreter manually and navigate to the correct python 3.6.4 application on your drive to tell Pycharm where to look?
It appears to me Python 3.6.4 is stored at
The PyCharm interpreter is already pointing to the above path. But it still reports 3.6.0. Manually navigating to this directory again just makes another copy reporting 3.6.0. That doesn't help. The python console does report 3.6.4 and terminals running python from the above path report 3.6.4.
What location is the 3.6.0 stored at?
I don't have 3.6.0 anymore unless python keeps older 3.6.x versions. When I call python from the path I posted in my previous comment it shows 3.6.4. It's the only 3.6 python framework.
Ok that is weird indeed. No idea then, sorry. Maybe try reporting it as a bug on https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/PY ?
I was finally able to get PyCharm to point the Interpreter by following the steps outlined in this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UYb_EXOTeeE
Thanks for the video. I'm running on OSX but understand the intent. Unfortunately for me, I already reference the python in the frameworks path. The same python3.6 I call at the terminal prompt which shows 3.6.4. I made a new interpreter and PyCharm still reports 3.6.0. When I set the project back to 3.5.2 PyCharm does reflect the correct version 3.5.2 but continues to insist 3.6 is 3.6.0.
Hi Gene! I believe the minor version was dropped from interpreter name in PyCharm 2017.3+ with PY-18439, interpreters which are added in previous versions and transferred to a new one (e.g. by settings import) preserve their names.