PHPStorm will not open any projects
I have been using PHPStorm without issue every day for some time. However, this morning it will not open any projects from the 'Welcome to PhpStorm' window.
Every project I try to open simply flashes on the screen for half a second and then disappears. That happens with every project, not just one or two.
I have updated PhpStorm to latest version (2023.1.2) AFTER the issue, but it has not resolved it. It was previously on version 2023.1.1.
Here is the log:-
2023-06-06 09:20:50,191 [ 540505] INFO - #c.i.j.JdkEx - === TabbingMode: on ===
2023-06-06 09:20:50,207 [ 540521] INFO - #c.i.w.i.i.l.m.ModuleBridgeLoaderService - Workspace model loaded without cache. Loading real project state into workspace model. Thread[DefaultDispatcher-worker-7,5,main]
2023-06-06 09:20:50,226 [ 540540] INFO - #c.i.w.i.i.GlobalWorkspaceModel - Sync global entities with mutable entity storage
2023-06-06 09:20:50,238 [ 540552] INFO - #c.i.w.i.i.EntitiesOrphanageImpl - Update orphanage. null modules added
2023-06-06 09:20:50,238 [ 540552] INFO - #c.i.w.i.i.WorkspaceModelImpl - Project model updated to version 1 in 7 ms: Apply JPS storage (iml files)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,239 [ 540553] INFO - #c.i.w.i.i.EntitiesOrphanageImpl - Update orphanage. null modules added
2023-06-06 09:20:50,244 [ 540558] INFO - STDERR - Exception in thread "DefaultDispatcher-worker-3" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid arguments id: 346496 (parent id = 0); nameId: 0
2023-06-06 09:20:50,244 [ 540558] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.ChildInfoImpl.<init>(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.persistent.PersistentFSTreeAccessor.doLoadChildren(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.persistent.FSRecords.list(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.persistent.FSRecords.update(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.persistent.PersistentFSImpl.findChildInfo(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.findInPersistence(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.doFindChild(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.findChild(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.findChild(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.findChild(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.VfsImplUtil.findFileByPath(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.impl.local.LocalFileSystemBase.findFileByPath(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.lang.javascript.library.typings.TypeScriptExternalDefinitionsRootsProvider.getRootsToWatch(TypeScriptExternalDefinitionsRootsProvider.kt:60)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerComponent.collectWatchRoots(ProjectRootManagerComponent.kt:264)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerComponent.access$collectWatchRoots(ProjectRootManagerComponent.kt:59)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,245 [ 540559] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerComponent$addRootsToWatch$1$job$1$watchRoots$1.invoke(ProjectRootManagerComponent.kt:200)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerComponent$addRootsToWatch$1$job$1$watchRoots$1.invoke(ProjectRootManagerComponent.kt:200)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at$insideReadAction(InternalReadAction.kt:15)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at$tryReadCancellable$1.invoke(InternalReadAction.kt:92)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at$tryReadCancellable$1.invoke(InternalReadAction.kt:91)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CancellationKt.withCurrentJob$lambda$0(cancellation.kt:17)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.Cancellation.withCurrentJob(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CancellationKt.withCurrentJob(cancellation.kt:17)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CancellationKt.executeWithJobAndCompleteIt(cancellation.kt:126)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at$lambda$1$lambda$0(cancellableReadAction.kt:49)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.tryRunReadAction(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at$lambda$1(cancellableReadAction.kt:47)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorUtilService.runActionAndCancelBeforeWrite(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorUtils.runActionAndCancelBeforeWrite(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,246 [ 540560] INFO - STDERR - at
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at$tryReadCancellable(InternalReadAction.kt:15)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at$tryReadAction$2.invoke(InternalReadAction.kt:77)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at$tryReadAction$2.invoke(InternalReadAction.kt:72)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CancellationKt.withCurrentJob$lambda$0(cancellation.kt:17)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.Cancellation.withCurrentJob(
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CancellationKt.withCurrentJob(cancellation.kt:17)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at com.intellij.openapi.progress.CoroutinesKt.blockingContext(coroutines.kt:193)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at$readLoop(InternalReadAction.kt:15)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at$readLoop$1.invokeSuspend(InternalReadAction.kt)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at
2023-06-06 09:20:50,247 [ 540561] INFO - STDERR - at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:570)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,248 [ 540562] INFO - STDERR - at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:750)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,248 [ 540562] INFO - STDERR - at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:677)
2023-06-06 09:20:50,248 [ 540562] INFO - STDERR - at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
2023-06-06 09:20:50,248 [ 540562] INFO - STDERR - Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [CoroutineName(ProjectImpl@97698201), StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@2e18821d, Dispatchers.Default]
2023-06-06 09:20:50,828 [ 541142] INFO - #c.j.r.f.FollowMeManager - Register new user 0:'leecolarelli' with ClientId=ClientId(value=Host)
2023-06-06 09:20:53,632 [ 543946] INFO - #c.i.o.a.i.PopupMenuPreloader - 3342 ms since showing to preload popup menu 'Help' at 'MainMenu(preload-bgt)' in 1 ms
2023-06-06 09:20:53,632 [ 543946] INFO - #c.i.o.a.i.PopupMenuPreloader - 3343 ms since showing to preload popup menu 'File' at 'MainMenu(preload-bgt)' in 1 ms
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Update: I've now uninstalled and reinstalled, but no improvement.
Update: I've done a clean install (removed all phpstorm directories) and now projects are opening again.
Thank you for the update, it is great to hear that you are able to open projects again.
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