Add items to CLion's New Project window
I need to add an item to the list of new CLion projects. It's a plugin written in Java with IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.2
I found this and followed what he said by adding a "directoryProjectGenerator" in the plugin.xml
I created the class
public class testClionGenerator implements DirectoryProjectGenerator {
public @NotNull String getName() {
return "Test CLion Project";
public @Nullable Icon getLogo() {
return null;
public void generateProject(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile baseDir, @NotNull Object settings, @NotNull Module module) {
public @NotNull ValidationResult validate(@NotNull String baseDirPath) {
return null;
But I don't know what else to do. How do you change the panel on the right when you do "new project"? What function is called when you click on next/cancel/create? Do you have any tutorials?
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There’s no dedicated tutorial for
.Please see on how to navigate and find code samples in general.
extension point: