Code Completion - keyboard shortcut (not working)
How do I get these options to show up? I used to have a keyboard shortcut that did this, but now, I have to backspace and retype the "->" to get the properties and methods to show up here.
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In fact, CTRL+SPACE will not register in the Keyboard Shortcut dialog box. CTRL+ other keys will, and SHIFT+SPACE will, but CTRL+SPACE does nothing.
I'm seeing the same thing in Android Studio.
Ctrl+Space isn't detected by the keymap search, but Ctrl+Shift+Space or Shift+Space is.

The box stays blank when I hit ctrl+space.
Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 1
Windows 11 Home v 22H2
Keith Davis
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Keith Davis well I'm happy the solution worked for you as well! I didn't realize PowerToys had a public repo, so thanks for adding a feature request there too!
Hi there,
If I'm getting you correctly it's Ctrl+Space here on Windows keymap to invoke the code completion popup manually (or whatever you may have there for "Code | Code Completion | Basic")
Yes, that's it and that was the keyboard shortcut as well. I knew I was not crazy. However, even though that is what is configured in keymap, it does not work and has not worked for at least the months (5-6 versions at least, I follow the EAP schedule).
So, it seems that it's a problem with the CTRL+SPACE key combination. I tried the other one, CTRL+\ and that works. Other CTRL+ key combinations work, but CTR+SPACE does not.
CTRL+SPACE key combination no longer works : WI-73002 (
1. Switch to the default Windows Keymap in the IDE -- any difference?
2. Use this "Find Actions by Shortcut" button on the Keymap screen:
Press the Ctrl+Space when the filed is in focus -- will it recognize the shortcut like it does for me?
3. Just try with all 3rd party plugins disabled and IDE restarted. I doubt this will be caused by any of them but anyway.
4. What OS you are on? I guess it's Windows. What if you close ALL other apps that you are currently running (including all from the try icon). Most likely it will be a global hook for that shortcut by some graphic driver app, online messenger or some other app (the most typical reason for a specific keyboard shortcut to fail to reach the current app).
Find an app that can detect global keyboard hooks (I do not remember the name, but there are quite a few that use different approaches) and see what they will say about it.
1. Switch to the default Windows Keymap in the IDE -- any difference?
2. Use this "Find Actions by Shortcut" button on the Keymap screen:
Press the Ctrl+Space when the filed is in focus -- will it recognize the shortcut like it does for me?
Does not work for me, works with other keyboard shortcuts
3. Just try with all 3rd party plugins disabled and IDE restarted. I doubt this will be caused by any of them but anyway.
4. What OS you are on? I guess it's Windows. What if you close ALL other apps that you are currently running (including all from the try icon). It could be that a global hook for that shortcut by some driver app or a messenger (a typical reasons).
Windows, disabled all that I can, but this an laptop is fairly locked down and I can't change that.
Keith Davis I was seeing the same thing you described and it was driving me crazy. I finally figured it out and added steps on Stack Overflow to disable a new feature in Windows PowerTools that hides the Ctrl + Space shortcut.
Why did Ctrl+Space (Autocomplete) suddenly stop working in Android Studio, Intellij, and other JetBrains IDEs?
Jeff provided a solution that worked for me:
Jeff Neet For some reason, your comment to add this to Stack Overflow did not show up for me until today. :)
Submitted to GitHub repo: