"File '.' not found" a working import

in my angular project , in the angular.json file , i get an inline warning as  well as one before committing for that path declared the $schema field

  "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",


and the project including the cli works fine


how can this be  resolved ?



Unfortunately I failed to reproduce the issue. Could you check if you can reproduce it in a new Angular CLI project? What does the error look like (please share a screenshot of the error message)?

Best regards,

Hi Elena , i have tried to reproduce the issue in a new angular cli project and indeed it was not reproduced , must be something with project configuration then ?

i add here how the error looks in the IDE



Does the issue persist after caches invalidation? If yes, could you please try restoring the default IDE settings and see if there are still issues? To restore IDE's settings, go to File | Manage IDE Settings | Restore Default Settings....
A confirmation popup with a path to the backup file of your settings will be displayed. Make a note of this, as you'll be able to restore your settings from this backup file later.
To restore your settings, please choose File | Manage IDE Settings | Import Settings, specify a path to the backup directory, and click Open.
If you can’t find the path to the backup file, please check this article: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/configuring-project-and-ide-settings.html#restore-defaults in our help. It has a list of paths to the backup directories for each OS.


The issue persists both after invalidating caches and after restoring default IDE settings, can issure occur if i have more then one directory marked as Resource Root ?


that's it , the issue was that i had another folder marked as Resource Root , when i unmarked it the issue was resolved ,

you can close the ticket , Thanks!

Fine, thanks for update!

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