Exporting a table or row as JSON doesn't recognize JSON data columns
Even if I mark a column as JSON with the help of the "Set Highlighting Language" option, exporting a table or row will not recognise any JSON inside these columns. And it will escape any double quotes because it treats the entire contents of the column as a JSON value.
Does anyone have any workaround? I tried to look at the json groovy script, but couldn't figure it out without learning the script language first.
Here's an example of a JSON exported row:
"EventType": "ManufactureProcessError",
"EventSource": "ManufactureStateMachine",
"Payload": "{\"product_version\":\"86C20751-D11E-4115-83E3-8A049A03A780\",\"serial_number\":\"\",\"event\":{\"station\":\"20\",\"action\":\"LeaveS20\",\"current_state\":\"AtS20\",\"message\":\"No valid conditions for 'LeaveS20'.\"}}"
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Thank you.
Looks like the problem exists for DBMS that have no dedicated JSON data type, like MSSS for instance - and does not exist for e.g. MySQL and PostgreSQL that do utilize a special json type.
I created a new bug report for it at our issue tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-18402. Its resolution depends on implementing https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-16947
You are welcome to follow the progress in both issues.
Hi - what DBMS do you use?
Hi Arina. This is MS SQL Server 2022.