Path Variables are IDE level, where are project level variables?



I have multiple run configurations that are used for various projects.  These projects can have unique module names.  Using Path Variables to define a value for a module name will only work for one project.  When another window is opened with a second project with different module names, the run configurations are incorrect due to the Path Variables having values for the first project.

For example,

Project 1: Path Variable  name=MODULE.PROCESSOR value=mini-processor

Project 2: Path Variable name=MODULE.PROCESSOR value=large-processor

Run Configuration (line with meaning): <module name="$PROJECT_NAME$.$MODULE.PROCESSOR$" />

If the value of MODULE.PROCESSOR is set for Project 1 and Project 2 is open in another window, Project 2 run configuration will look for module, which doesn't exist in Project 2, so the run configuration is invalid.

How can I set project specific variables that the run configurations can resolve?


Hello T Heidenthal. Could you please share a screenshot of one of the Run configurations you use? I want to reproduce the issue on my side. 
Also, please, specify which IDE version you use. 


An example run configuration with some values modified:



<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
  <configuration default="false" name="GT-ISE" type="Application" factoryName="Application">
    <option name="ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH" value="$GTIHOME$\v2024\GTsuite\jre\11.0.19_7\$GTIARCH$" />
    <option name="ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH_ENABLED" value="true" />
      <env name="PATH" value="$GTIHOME$\bin\;$GTIHOME$\bin\$GTIARCH$;$GTIHOME$\v2024\GTsuite\bin\$GTIARCH$;" />
    <option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="com.gtisoft.framework.ThisIsFake" />
    <module name="$PROJECT_NAME$.GUI.$MODULE.GTSUITE$" />
    <shortenClasspath name="ARGS_FILE" />
      <option name="VM_PARAMETERS" value="-Djava.library.path=$GTIHOME$\bin\$GTIARCH$;$GTIHOME$\v2024\GTsuite\bin\$GTIARCH$;" />
    <RunnerSettings RunnerId="Cover" />
    <RunnerSettings RunnerId="Debug">
      <option name="DEBUG_PORT" value="" />
      <option name="TRANSPORT" value="0" />
      <option name="LOCAL" value="true" />
    <RunnerSettings RunnerId="JProfiler" />
    <RunnerSettings RunnerId="Run" />
    <ConfigurationWrapper RunnerId="Cover" />
    <ConfigurationWrapper RunnerId="Debug" />
    <ConfigurationWrapper RunnerId="Run" />
    <method v="2">
      <option name="Make" enabled="true" />


IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.4 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-231.9225.16, built on July 12, 2023


Regrettably, in the Run configuration you shared, I don't see the variables like $PROJECT_NAME$. Did you share the correct one?


Olga Mulina, the variable $PROJECT_NAME$ is in the 8th line of the run configuration I provided


All variables surrounded by $'s are set in my Path Variables, though I would like to have a project level location to set them


To be more precise, variables surrounded by $'s, except $PROJECT_NAME$, are set in my Path Variables


Sorry, when trying to use this Run configuration with the test project, the module element is rewritten. Could you please share a screenshot instead of the  .xml  content? You can do it privately via the JetBrains Uploads service and write here the ID you receive. 


Olga Mulina, the png is in Upload id: 2023_07_14_JYriUH6NUzhfo7HEnf9bL5 (file: SampleRunConfiguration.PNG).  Please be aware that you could have 1. used the post above as though it were an image, 2.  created an image from the post above 3. and/or made a copy of the text run configuration to have a clean copy available.


Olga Mulina, I didn't mean for my last message to sound harshly.  I am accustomed to teaching others alternatives when they come to me and the habit came out with you.  I hope you understand, I was only trying to help, not chiding.


T Heidenthal,  thank you for sharing the screenshot, and sorry, looks like I didn't explain properly what exactly I need.

I didn't mean the   .xml   content of the Run configuration file; I meant the screenshot of the IDE UI, the  Run | Edit Configurations...  window so I can understand which fields contain which variables. As I mentioned before, when importing the Run configuration   .xml   you shared, some fields were overwritten; that's why I need to see how exactly it looks on your side.

The sample of the window with a very simple Run configuration:


Olga Mulina, thanks for the clarification.  Please see Upload id: 2023_07_17_GysRzYULDp4c7MfmtjuMJf (file: image.png)


T Heidenthal, thank you for sharing the screenshot. Now I understand your case; sorry that it took so long. 

Regrettably, there is no such option to specify the project-level path variable for now. Please, consider upvoting this issue in YouTrack containing a similar feature request, and, probably, this one could be helpful for you, too; the last one is planned to be implemented in the 2023.3 release for now. 


Hi Olga Mulina, thanks for the references.  I believe the second request is closest.  I have tried the EnvFile plugin and the .env files support plugin with no luck.  Hopefully, the 2023.3 release will work for me.


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