Cannot import saved theme or keymap


Hi all,

I have the latest beta of IJ. I find I cannot import a saved keymap which I have on disk nor can I tell IJ to use a theme I saved to disk. This appears to be because the options to "load from disk" for these features is gone.  In th new UI is there anyway to load these again? 

Thanks so much. 




Does it help if you copy the exported keymap xml file to the < configuration directory > /keymaps folder and restart the IDE?


 That would indeed work thank you !


I figured out the new (to me) way of exporting all the various settings customizations then importing them into a fresh install of IJ. I went over this in the second post I made yesterday for anyone interested. Today I found out that on first launch of a fresh install of the IDE when it's asking you which project to open there's an option right on that screen to import all the customizations. You will have wanted to export from them from the IDE and know where you exported them to for this to work. 


Thanks again!


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