New UI: How to detach merged project windows? (solved)

After using "Merge all Project Windows", how can I detach a single project from the merged project windows back to a single window again? Somehow I missed an option here, like: "Detach current project windows", to separate it from the merged ones.


You may just use drag'n'drop and drag the secondary project tab out as a separate window.

Does it work?


What option is selected on your workstation in Settings > Desktop & Dock > Prefer tabs when opening documents?


Because the tabs were so inconspicuous in my current theme, I actually overlooked them. So dragging them out worked. Thanks a lot!


how to prevent merging project windows by default? I want always new project to be opened in separate windows and never merge them.


Vasil, navigate to Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings. Under the Project section you will see the Open project in selection.  New window will open every project in a separate window.


Anastasiia Zyrianova I already had it configured. But anyways it opens new projects in the same window - so, later i need to drag & drop it each time.
May be is it related to Mac OS?


Vasil, unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce this behavior on macOS with the latest PhpStorm version. 
Will it be possible to make a screencast and share it with me? It can be uploaded here:


Anastasiia Zyrianova Ok, on this video I opend another project - and Webstorm opened that in another tab, then I dragged&dropped it. And after all - I opened my settings:



Anastasiia Zyrianova oh yeah!! I had value “Always” there - now I changed it to “Never” - and the windows of Webstorm are opened normally! thanks you a LOT!


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