Invisible HTML entities in css files
I created a new css file and added some code, but it didn't display. In a git diff, I can see the brackets are HTML entities:
.js-media-library-item {
 position: relative;
 display: inline-flex;

body {
 color: black;

asdf {


Looks like it's not treating it as a css file and is converting html entities to display the code in phpstorm.
This has happened to me before, I think I fixed it by restarting PHP storm. But I don't have a clue how I triggered it.
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It is a line feed character:
> Looks like it's not treating it as a css file and is converting html entities to display the code in phpstorm.
What exactly does this CSS file look like? Is it parsed or displayed incorrectly?
My file appears to contain only css in phpstorm. I can only see the html entities in vim or another editor.
Hi there,
Check the workaround from