Planned release date of 2023.3 with Java 21 support


As far as I can see from the github activity of the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition the next major 2023.3 release of IntelliJ IDEA will support Java 21 - the next LTS Java release. My main question is: when this release of 2023.3 is planned to happen?

There already is the first release candidate of OpenJDK 21, available at and this is a good time to start trying it with IntelliJ IDEA but the current 2023.2 version doesn't support Java 21 and also I can't find 2023.3 EA builds.

Official comment

Support for Java 21 is now available in 2023.2.2


Stable release is planned on the end of November.


Sergei Riabinin do we need to manually download/install the JDK or should this be showing 21 for me?




installing jdk by hand and selecting it (and enabling preview features) seems to work but red squigglies for eg unnamed classes:



USE Oracle JDK21 or OpenJDK21, the import of “java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit” always report an error.   but it can run or debug normally.



Subfire I already have this

and I already mentioned that yes run/build/etc seems to work but that's not what I (anyone?) care about - it's whether the new syntax and etc features are supported that matters. 


I too have updated IDEA to version 2023.2.2. However, currently unable to run new Java 21 features like String templates.


I am guessing that Sergei Riabinin jumped the gun reporting support because no new release of 2023.2.2 is available; note 09-13 here


2023.3 EAP finally has support.


Dude, I payed for the ultimate version, thought the release cadence wasn't that long … I think there is no excuses to have to wait this long for Java 21 support …


IntelliJ used to be a Java IDE. Nowadays, it does a million different things and unfortunately Java is not its focus anymore. VS Code is starting to look pretty attractive.


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