Adding and removing fields from a PSIClass programatically through com.jetbrains.openapi
I have the following maven project pom.xml as given below, with an additional source folder in temp/src/main/java, under the basedir.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
In the folder temp/src/main/java/org, the following files exist with the below contents
package org;
public class Class1 {
public String b = "b";
package org;
public class Class3 {
public String x = "x";
I have another file by name "changes.txt", which has the following contents
+ at the beginning of a line indicates class/member to be created/added, - at the beginning of a line indicates class/member to be deleted & no +/- at the beginning of a line indicates rename refactoring of a class/member.
For the above file, the objective is to have the following done.
Add the line "public String a = "a"; as a member in
Remove the line "public String b = "b"; from the file
Create a new Class in the folder temp/src/main/java/org/
Add the line "public String p = "p"; as a member in
Rename Refactor member from p to q in
Rename Refactor Class2 to Class4
Remove Class3
The final contents in "temp/src/main/java/org/" should be as below:
package org;
public class Class1 {
public String a = "a";
package org;
public class Class4 {
public String q = "q";
Please note that & should not exist in the folder temp/src/main/java/org/, after the AnActionEvent is trigerred.
I have a MyAction class which extends from (com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction), with the member function @Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent event). In the member function I iterate through each line in the changes.txt file. The rename of class/field i am able to do. But addition of class/fields & removal of class/fields I am facing issues. While trying to add a field to the PsiClass, it gives an error, "com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException: Must not change PSI outside command or undo-transparent action. "
Could you please send me the relevant code snippet to resolve this.
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The full error message points to the API that must be used here:
Must not change PSI outside command or undo-transparent action. See com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction or com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandProcessor.
You can simply wrap your PSI modifications using `com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction#writeCommandAction()`.
The following code worked like a charm. Thanks for the valuable information.
However I need the additional things to be done.
While adding a field to the class, I use the following snippet
final PsiElementFactory elementFactory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project).getElementFactory();
PsiField psiField = elementFactory.createField(fieldName, PsiType.INT);
This adds a integer field as the statement "private int <fieldName>;"
However I want the field to be added in the format "public String <fieldName> = "<fieldName>";
Similarly I am not able to add a new Class.
Could you please share the relevant code snippet?
The addition, deletion & rename refactoring of fields is possible.
The deletion & rename refactoring of classes is possible.
final String stmt = line;
WriteCommandAction writeCommandAction = new WriteCommandAction(project) {
protected void run(final Result result) throws Throwable {
String className = null;
String newClassName = null;
String fieldName = null;
String newFieldName = null;
if (!stmt.contains(".")) {
if ( (stmt.startsWith("+")) || (stmt.startsWith("-")) ) {
className = stmt.substring(1);
} else {
className = stmt.split(",")[0];
newClassName = stmt.split(",")[1];
} else {
if ( (stmt.startsWith("+")) || (stmt.startsWith("-")) ) {
className = stmt.substring(1).split("\\.")[0];
fieldName = stmt.substring(1).split("\\.")[1];
} else {
className = stmt.split("\\.")[0];
fieldName = stmt.split("\\.")[1].split(",")[0];
newFieldName = stmt.split("\\.")[1].split(",")[1];
VirtualFile vf = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByIoFile(new File(basePath + "/temp/src/main/java/com/" + className + ".java"));
PsiFile psiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(vf);
PsiJavaFile psiJavaFile = (PsiJavaFile) psiFile;
PsiClass psiClass = psiJavaFile.getClasses()[0];
if (fieldName == null) {
changeClass(psiClass, newClassName, stmt);
} else {
changeField(psiClass, fieldName, newFieldName, stmt);
private void changeClass(PsiClass psiClass, String newClassName, String stmt) {
if (stmt.startsWith("-")) {
} else {
JavaRefactoringFactory javaRefactoringFactory = JavaRefactoringFactory.getInstance(project);
JavaRenameRefactoring javaRenameRefactoring = javaRefactoringFactory.createRename(psiClass, newClassName);
UsageInfo[] usages = javaRenameRefactoring.findUsages();
private void changeField(PsiClass psiClass, String fieldName, String newFieldName, String stmg) {
if (stmt.startsWith("+")) {
boolean found = false;
for (PsiField psiField : psiClass.getFields()) {
if (psiField.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
final PsiElementFactory elementFactory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project).getElementFactory();
PsiField psiField = elementFactory.createField(fieldName, PsiType.INT);
} else if (stmt.startsWith("-")) {
for (PsiField psiField : psiClass.getFields()) {
if (psiField.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
} else {
for (PsiField psiField : psiClass.getFields()) {
if (psiField.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
JavaRefactoringFactory javaRefactoringFactory = JavaRefactoringFactory.getInstance(project);
JavaRenameRefactoring javaRenameRefactoring = javaRefactoringFactory.createRename(psiField, newFieldName);
UsageInfo[] usages = javaRenameRefactoring.findUsages();
Is the above lines to resolve the issue of creating a field of type String.
Not able to resolve this.
Appreciate if you can give code snippets only for this.
Pass in return value from
instead ofPsiType.INT
.Thanks a ton...Made the appropriate changes as below and it works.
Now the only thing remaining is creation of a new class (say Class1), which extends from another class, with a constructor body and the physical file ( being available in the folder \temp\src\main\java\, which is specified in the pom.xml as a source folder.
Let me know, what functions to be used.
Might be easier to just generate the full .java file as text and use
I find different signatures for createFileFromText in the PsiFileFactory
What are the parameters to be passed
& how is that the file will be stored in /temp/src/main/java/com
Which one of the below signature is to be applied?
Given that I have a certain "text" to be put in a file "" at the location "/temp/src/main/java/com"
1. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,String)
2. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,FileType,CharSequence)
3. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,FileType,CharSequence,long,boolean)
4. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,FileType,CharSequence,long,boolean,boolean)
5. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,Language,CharSequence)
6. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(Language,CharSequence)
7. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,Language,CharSequence,boolean,boolean)
8. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,Language,CharSequence,boolean,boolean,boolean)
9. PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText(String,Language,CharSequence,boolean,boolean,boolean,VirtualFile)
Please see There are thousands of sample usages in IntelliJ Community sources.
I tried the below code. It gives an error
non-static method add(PsiElement) cannot be referenced from a static context
is is the only issue that needs resolution now....all other features of adding, rename & removing fields is successfully done.
Rename of classes & deletion of classes is successfuly happening. Only for addition I am stuck with this issue.
Anything else to be added in my code
You need to locate and provide that PsiDirectory instance, e.g. coming from VirtualFile and then locating it as described in
The below code worked for me. Succesfully the class gets created in the folder "/temp/src/main/java/com/". The only thing required now is to add " extends net.DataRecord" and adding a constructor body
public <className> (String str) {
What function needs to be called at the psiClass to implement this?
Everything worked finally successfully with the below code.