Settings: Eclipse compiler not available
I am running Intellij Idea 2023.1.5 which I recently copied from the ZIP file package provided by JetBrains. Unlike in previous installations, I am not able to select the Eclipse compiler in Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Compiler → Java Compiler:
What do I have to do to make the Eclipse compiler available here?
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Hello Christian Guetter,
I'm not able to reproduce your issue on IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.5.
Can you try to upgrade to the latest version? If the issue will be reproduced with the latest version, please provide additional information:
- collect logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data (you can upload the logs to and share the upload ID)
- is it reproducible for any project? can you try with a new project with language=java, build system=IntelliJ, JDK=Oracle Open JDK 20?
Hello Margarita Tyumenkova,
I was not able to reproduce the problem with a fresh installation, neither with 2023.1.5 nor with the newest version. The issue only seems to occur with the one installation I reported the error from. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to provide you with the logs and diagnostic data from this installation, as our company policy forbids this.
As a workaround to this specific problem, we are going to replace the broken installation with a new one. This will solve the problem for us. Thank you for your support.