How to run command in terminal or how to get access of org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal.ShellTerminalWidget?
I would like to create the RunConfiguration which will run command in intergrated terminal and its provides. By the word “provider” I mean powershell.exe or cmd.exe. I found how to run the command line using GlobalCommandLine or PtyCommandLine, but it's creates the process when I want to run command using cmd.exe or powershell.exe provider. I found new answer with strange class ShTerminalRunner, but it uses ShellTerminalWidget which located in org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal package
and I can't access it from SDK Plugin (Or can, but I don't know how). Can we help me?
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Solved the code, but I already have an unfinished tasks. I've been added these to plugins:
The code compiling problems is solved, but if I run the my RunConfiguration I will get an error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/plugins/terminal/TerminalToolWindowManager
As usual, my mistake was due to inattention. I just forgot to add the tag to plugin.xml, I understand it from here
After adding this tag:
My problem is solved