Suggested improvements to Find functionality


1. Make the search icon for “Find in files” permanent on the bar on the left, not only when you have performed a search

2. Put the search box at the top of the find window and allow changing the search.

3. Show the results in the main editor window, why does it need it's own window?

At the moment I find it really unintuitive and awkward to use. Let's say you search for “Fred”. It brings up a popup which is far too small and cramped to be usable, way too busy. So I have to click “Open in find window” or something. So firstly, that's an extra click.

Now, it gives you the results. But it's using it's own window for the matches. Why can't it just use the main editing window and as I cursor through the results just update/open the window for the file in question? Why do I need to end up with two windows showing code?

Now I want to amend the search to “Freddie” I have to go all the way to the menu, and start all over again. Why not let me edit the existing search?

If I make the mistake of closing the search window, it no longer appears as an icon in the vertical toolbar down the left. You have to go all the way back to the menu again. Awful.

In short, do it like XCode and VS Code.

This is possibly the No.1 reason I may not take this up after the trial. Everything else is pretty good so far.

1 comment

Hello oviano 

You can use a shortcut to invoke “Find in files”.

To add Find icon to the tool window stripe, use “More Tool Windows” option available for new UI:

For the rest, please create a ticket in YouTrack with the type “Feature”. See Create and Edit Issues if you're not familiar with YouTrack.


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