IconProvider Problem in IntelliJ 2023
I am using an IconProvider (com.intellij.ide.IconProvider) to add an overlay to the icons of some java classes and it had been working for years. Since version 2023.X it throws an exception:
Must be executed under progress indicator: com.intellij.openapi.progress.EmptyProgressIndicator@44a65a1b. Please see e.g. ProgressManager.runProcess()
The code that causes the problem is called in the “getIcon” method:
Query<PsiReference> search = ReferencesSearch.search(psiClass, GlobalSearchScope.moduleWithDependentsScope(module));
Collection<PsiReference> us = search.findAll();
So I tried to wrap my code, as suggested by the exception:
return ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcess(() -> {
// my code
}, ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator()
Then I get the following exception:
This thread is already running under this indicator, starting/stopping it here might be a data race
Next try:
return ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(() -> {
// my code
}, "Searching", false, psiElement.getProject()
But also no success:
Calling invokeAndWait from read-action leads to possible deadlock.
I need the ReferencesSearch because I have to add the icon to classes that are
- directly referenced in an XML file (no problem because it works without ReferencesSearch)
- classes that are instantiated in another class, that is referenced in an XML file (throws the exception because of ReferencesSearch)
Any idea what to change to make it work again?
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Hi Tom,
Could you please provide full stacktrace?
I tried to reproduce the problem by implementing a dummy icon provider with a similar logic, but could not. I run it under 2023.1.5.
Could you please share your code or create a reproducible example with a test project and steps to reproduce?
If you can share the code, but don't want to make it public, you can share it with https://uploads.jetbrains.com/browse and provide me with the upload ID (only JetBrains employees can access uploaded files).
I uploaded a minimal example that reproduces the problem with the latest stable version 2023.2.2
Upload id: 2023_09_19_23SBu73GV3gcrCBCeWwbBC (file: icontest.zip)
I think the problem is that the “find usages” should be run under a progress indicator.
could you please try
Thank you, that solved my problem.
I had already tried it with ProgressManager but it seems my problem was, that I used
instead of