The new UI has sore eyes - 2



In New UI (intellij light), I've changed color of Caret row like old one.

Editor - Color Sheme - General -  Editor - Caret row



However, I can not change Caret row in Notebook cell.( *.ipynb)  How can I change that blue line?



and could you help me  to change backgound color of project window ? 

Why New UI have so much blue tone not like old one? It has sore eyes

1 comment

However, I can not change Caret row in Notebook cell.( *.ipynb)  How can I change that blue line?

Do you mean the Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S) > Editor > Color Scheme > Notebooks > Current cell string in the command line option?

and could you help me  to change backgound color of project window ? 

Project tool window background color depends on the UI theme selected in Settings (`⌘ + ,` or `Ctrl + Alt + S`) > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance > Theme and cannot be changed individually. You can use create your own custom theme which will have the needed Project tool window background color. Also, there are a lot of available themes on the plugin marketplace which you can choose from.


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