Is there an option to remove the "edit in goland" from windows explorer?


I've looked all through the settings, but it doesn't appear to be the case. It wouldn't be so distracting if it was strictly .go files, but the thing shows up even when I open the right click menu on images, mp3s, etc. I don't even remember if it strictly asked that on the install, but if it did it must've been subtle. I was able to remove it via the registry editor, but I have a feeling it'll come back if I update/reinstall and I'd rather not have to if possible.

Thank you!



The only option is to delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with GoLand in Registry.

You can also uncheck checkbox on installation step to add a new entry in Windows Explorer.

During the update via GoLand this entry won't reappear in Windows Explorer.


Thank you!
I'd actually did an install on a different machine earlier today and unchecked an option that looked related to the context menu, but it was still added. I was able to remove that one with the registry editor as well, though.


I see. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Feel free to follow IDEA-223278.


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