Kotlin/JS opens incorrect browser
After several updates to IntelliJ the Kotlin/JS projects are in bad shape as the original compiler was deprecated. I accidentally updated the IntelliJ year ago with checked the project migration mark couple of years back and i am still struggling to get things straight. For example, it moved only the recognized parts of old projects and left everything else like images and such laying in disarray at old location.
The Kotlin/JS build system has been migrated to Gradle from its internal tool and now it always fires Firefox when using “BrowserDevelopmentRun”. However if select the index.html and run it, then Chrome opens up but this does not have the compiled sources available. Settings has all other browsers disabled than chrome and Chrome is the first option. What am i doing wrong?
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This usually takes longer to receive a reply here, but be sure the ticket will be answered.
Hi! Can you file an issue kotl.in/issue and attach your project, please?