File Tab closes if i minimise then maximise again after a time
PhpStorm 2023.2.2
Please bare in mind i haven't used the editor for about 6 months.
Hi, i am finding the file tab I'm currently editing disappears when i minimise then maximise phpStorm after a time. Is there a new/old setting to stop this?
I also used to be able to close phpStorm down and the last file tabs would automatically be there, on next open.
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Hi Steve,
Is there any chance your project is located on a OneDrive share? If this is the case, you might be experiencing the following issue:
Seems to be indexing that closes the file, after few minutes of being minimised?
Hi Vasily, As far as i know its not on OneDrive. But yes that seems to be what is happening, reindexing seems to shut tabs down.
I have qnap qsync on that folder??
Thanks Vasily, That was it, even though it wasn't oneDrive.
File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings > Synchronize external changes when switching to the IDE window or opening an editor tab
to disable constant file syncs and avoid project rescan;And i have only just started using qSync. All good again and i don't have to rely on my dodgy memory (i think i'm getting too old for this, lol)
Thank you for the update.
I have never seen any similar issues with qSync before but probably, the root cause is the same here. I will keep it in mind for the future consideration.
Nonetheless, it is good to know that things work fine for you now, thanks again!