Inline Completion only when Enter is pressed
I'm developing a plugin which make inline suggestions and I'm using the InlineCompletionProvider which is recommended in some posts here. I implemented successfully the extension point and my suggestion now is working. However, I want my suggestion to trigger only when the Enter key is pressed. How can I do this? I navigated the code until arrive to "InlineCompletionListeners.kt" which seems to there are already implemented some listeners to configure when the inline suggestion is fired, but I can't find how to use this or even is this what I'm looking for.
There is a method for only firing suggestions when Enter key is pressed or not?
Thank you and sorry for my bad english,
Felip Yankovich
PDT: I'm using the DebouncedInlineCompletionProvider class for creating my custom suggestion class
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Hi Felip,
Inline completion is inserted on press of the key configured by a user. Why do you want to change the completion key to Enter in your plugin?
If your plugin had a different behavior, then it would break the IDE user experience, as your plugin behavior would be inconsistent with other inline completions. See
override fun isEnabled(event: InlineCompletionEvent): Boolean {
return event is InlineCompletionEvent.DocumentChange && event.typing is TypingEvent.NewLine
Thank you so much for this!