getSupers is empty
I am developing a plugin which shall analyse all java files in a project given a path.
So the first point is to get the project:
String projectPath = "/data/";
ProjectManager projectManager = ProjectManager.getInstance();
Project project = projectManager.loadAndOpenProject(projectPath);
new ExternalProjectRefreshCallback() {
public void onSuccess(DataNode<ProjectData> externalProject) {
System.out.println("Project dependencies synchronized successfully.");
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(() -> {
// Your code that needs read access goes here
JavaFileAnalyzer analyzer = new JavaFileAnalyzer(project);
And then I want to analyse the project.
I first load all files within the project
List<VirtualFile> allFiles = new ArrayList<>();
VirtualFile baseDir = project.getBaseDir();
VfsUtilCore.iterateChildrenRecursively(baseDir, virtualFile -> true, virtualFile -> {
if (!virtualFile.isDirectory() && virtualFile.getFileType() == JavaFileType.INSTANCE) {
return true;
// Does not work
//virtualFiles =,
// GlobalSearchScope.projectScope(project));
For every class i find
Collection<PsiClass> classesInFile = PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(currentFile, PsiClass.class);
for (PsiClass currentClass : classesInFile) {
if (currentClass.getQualifiedName() != null) {
I want to traverse it.
But when analyzing a class.
PsiClass[] supers = currentClass.getSupers();
System.out.println("--Supers: " + supers.length);
for(PsiClass superClazz : supers){
System.out.println("--Super: " + superClazz.getQualifiedName());
I get an empty list of supers. Altough using the reference extend list.
PsiReferenceList extendsList = currentClass.getExtendsList();
I get results but the classes don't have a qualified name and only the normal name.
What am i missing here? Why do i get supers an empty list.
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Here is my project:
idea-parser_1 | Class: HelloApplication QN: com.example.testproject.HelloApplication
idea-parser_1 | --No superclass detected or not in scope
idea-parser_1 | --Supers: 0
idea-parser_1 | --Implements: 0
idea-parser_1 | Using Reference
idea-parser_1 | Extends: Application
i dont know any further…
// print the class name
System.out.println("Class: " + currentClass.getName() + " QN: " + currentClass.getQualifiedName());
// print the superclass
PsiClass superClass = currentClass.getSuperClass();
if (superClass != null) {
System.out.println("--Extends: " + superClass.getQualifiedName());
} else {
System.out.println("--No superclass detected or not in scope");
PsiClass[] supers = currentClass.getSupers();
System.out.println("--Supers: " + supers.length);
for(PsiClass superClazz : supers){
System.out.println("--Super: " + superClazz.getQualifiedName());
// print the implemented interfaces
PsiClass[] interfaces = currentClass.getInterfaces();
System.out.println("--Implements: " + interfaces.length);
System.out.println("Using Reference");
PsiReferenceList extendsList = currentClass.getExtendsList();
PsiReferenceList implementsList = currentClass.getImplementsList();
if (extendsList != null) {
for (PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement reference : extendsList.getReferenceElements()) {
System.out.println(" Extends: " + reference.getQualifiedName());
if (implementsList != null) {
for (PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement reference : implementsList.getReferenceElements()) {
System.out.println(" Implements: " + reference.getQualifiedName());
it does not show me the superclasses … i think the sdk is somehow not correctly defined. But this is my Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:jammy-20230624
# Install necessary packages and Java 17
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y unzip wget libfreetype6 fontconfig openjdk-17-jdk \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Set JAVA_HOME environment variable
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
# Download and extract IntelliJ IDEA
RUN wget \
&& tar -xzf ideaIC-2023.2.tar.gz \
&& rm ideaIC-2023.2.tar.gz \
&& mv idea-* idea
# Set the JAVA_HOME for IntelliJ IDEA
RUN echo "idea.jdk=$JAVA_HOME" >> /app/idea/bin/
# Create Maven repository directory
RUN mkdir -p /root/.m2/repository
# Set the working directory to /app/idea for plugin operations
WORKDIR /app/idea
# Download and install the Gradle plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
RUN wget -O "" \
&& mkdir -p plugins/gradle-intellij-plugin \
&& unzip -d plugins/gradle-intellij-plugin \
&& rm
# Copy your custom plugin and formatter
COPY build/distributions/formatter-plugin plugins/formatter-plugin
COPY formatter /usr/bin/formatter
# Set the working directory back to /data
ENTRYPOINT ["formatter"]
Hi Nils,
Javadoc of com.intellij.psi.PsiClass#getSupers states:
Are you sure the project you are analyzing has the JDK configured?
Check File | Project Structure… and see the Project tab - it should have SDK set to a JDK.