idea 2023.2.2 jcef devtools can not open
hello, i develop a plugin with jcef .i want to Right-click to pop up devtools. .
i writethe command in custom properties file, it takes effect in other versions.But in 2023.2.2 the devtools can not open.
No response when right clicking
command eg:

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@Yann Cebron can you help me resolve this question?thank you
Ramonfergusonw55005 hello ,you know 2023.2.2 jcef devtools how to open?
Karol Lewandowski hi , i deleted another question same with this. i already saw the sdk: it does not work. I don't know if anyone can help with this problem
Heu Majing it's not obvious problem and it needs investigation. Could you please create youtrack issue with simple reproducing algo. (Such reproducer will significantly speedup investigation).
hi , Artem Bochkarev .I don't understand what I need to do?
1. Where to raise an issue?
2. Simple reproducing: Use the idea plugin demo, introduce jcef, follow the sdk operator 。
add these 2 statements to verify that devtools can be opened in 2020.2-2023.1, but not in 2023.2
Karol Lewandowski hi , can you help me resolve this question? it is general question, if the plug-in uses the jcef framework
Artem Bochkarev hi , i find 2023.1 also can not open devtools . Two months have passed, is there a solution?
Has this problem been solved?
Heu Majing Hey I'm dealing with the same issue. Did you make an issue on YouTrack yet?
Update: I played around with the settings some more and it turns out that if you enable osr (ie “off-screen rendering”), then it disables the context menu. Osr can be disabled by making sure “ide.browser.jcef.osr.enabled” is off in the registry (it supplies the default value for OSR for new JBCefBrowsers that are made), or manually setting it false through the builder via `JBCefBrowser.createBuilder().setOffScreenRendering(false)`.