Custom package readme isn't appearing in the "Python Packages" window
Hi! I'm using Pycharm Community 2022.3. I've created a custom Python package and I install it from a local .tar.gz distribution, via the “Python Packages” window and the “Add Package > From disk” menu item.
Installation works fine, and I can use the package just fine, but there's no metadata displayed in the right-hand side of the “Python Packages” window when I click my package:

The “Select a package to view documentation” doesn't display anything when I click the package.
I have a as part of the distribution.
What else do I need to add to the package distribution for PyCharm to pick up metadata to display in this window?
Many thanks!
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Unfortunately, it's a known issue that we haven't addressed yet, please vote for it and feel free to comment.
Great stuff, thank you for the reply! I'll vote for the fix.