'Attach to Process' is broken
I have upgraded my GoLand to 2023.2.3 on MacOS Monterey 12.6.5.
Since the update I cannot attach debugger to a local process.
The error is:
Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only
Please advice
Igor Sandler
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Hi Igor,
Please collect the IDE logs (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data), upload them to https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ and provide an ID.
Same here: Upload id: 2023_10_22_XKLQbzHACPTVmfQBNkLM7x (file: goland-logs-20231022-1929125645517091630660997.zip)
It's fixed for me in in Nightly Build 233.11148
where can we expect an offcial release?
Hi Igor Sandler, it will be landed in the next 2023.2.4 release this or next week.