How can I get fully qualified name of a KtParameter type?
In my plugin I am using current way to get it:
If the declaration is method (var u: UUID) that line returns: “java.util.UUID” which is what I want. Great.
But when updating the plugin it tolds me that is deprecated because uses this:
Deprecated method UtilsKt.type(KtDeclaration)
What can I do to fix this? I have reach to ktParameter.typeReference!!.typeElement!!.text which gives me the non-qualified name but I have not been able to obtain the full qualified name.
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Not sure if that's what you're using, but it has clear instructions on how to replace usages.
"Deprecated as internal Java to Kotlin converter utility",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("(resolveToDescriptorIfAny() as? CallableDescriptor)?.returnType")
fun KtDeclaration.type() =
(resolveToDescriptorIfAny() as? CallableDescriptor)?.returnType