Multiplying php processes
It was very hard to debug it, I thought that it's local dev server problem but I catch it at last
1. Win 10 Pro LTSC
2. PhpStorm 2023.1
Local server works, non php project opened and no problem at all The problem starts when I swich to Magento 2 project, not depend of PHP version, 7.2, 7.4, the same. php + cmd processes multiplying like the virus. Sometimes I can catch this moment and use “taskkill /f /t /im php.exe”, sometimes not and 90+ of RAM used and terrible freezes.
Generally everything can work ok and then suddenly starts. 3 times killed processes, reload Storm and 15 minutes everything is Ok now but temporary anyway.
UPD, was finishing the message switched to non php project and back. Multiplying started again, taskkill /f /t /im php.exe, looks like quiet now
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For me on a random project, it runs for a while (10-20 seconds), and then ends with last packages starting with
.If I get it right, you should get the same kind of issue even if you close PhpStorm and run the command in a CMD window.
The command should stop running at some point; it shouldn't run in an infinite loop.
It's been fixed in 2023.2.1: WI-73645
Please update your IDE installation. Alternatively, you can disable Settings | PHP | Composer | Check for available package updates.
Turned off all checkboxes, no success. I imported 2023 setting to the old 2020, the problems appeared there too and that just happened on Magento projects
Up: killed php processes 5-7 times and looks like quit now. Looks like waiting for something
Up: and stated again (
Up: 5-7 process kills, 20 min pause, started again, that's terrible
Import old settings, turned off as you told before, on old version set remote (non existent) interpreter? look like ok now
No, today started again, absolutely not available to work. I upgraded today to the last version, the same. Im Storm user for the many years and was no any such problems before. Need the help!!! I just want to turn off this
Please add #com.jetbrains.php and #com.intellij.execution.configurations.GeneralCommandLine to Help | Diagnostic Tools | Debug Log Settings, restart PhpStorm, open one of the affected projects, wait until the processes our spawned, and then share the (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) via our uploading service:
It's clear how to collect and add, but not too clear what is “#com.jetbrains.php and #com.intellij.execution.configurations.GeneralCommandLine” that I need to add to debug form in Help
What about the log I catch it immediately in the moment of spawn, waiting toi upload
Please open the Help | Diagnostic Tools | Debug Log Settings menu entry, there will be a dialog with a text field.
Then, please paste
there on separate lines and click OK.After that, reproduce the issue and share the (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data).
Thank you!
Thank you for the answer!
Upload id: 2023_11_07_26BNBYyAC3DCjAw4VHChPC (file:
So, it's definitely caused by checking for package updates:
What I don't understand is why it checks for updates even when the checkbox is disabled. Could you please confirm that the checkbox state hasn't been reset?
OMG, checked once more as you asked. Checkbox was turned on again. May be that happened when I removed project and recreated it. I tired to watch for activity about the day. Watch, turn on, multipling, turn off, kill via batch. Looks like stable now. This is my setup in all project now., is it optimal? I'll left taskmanager in background for several days for monotoring in background anyway. Hope that this crazy problem is solved. Thant you for your time.!You helped me a lot
Yes, looking good.
Please let me know if the checkbox state gets reset again for this project; I have an idea why it might happen.
Yes, sure, I'll be in touch and will post you about some available events. That was the great headache for me, so I'll not forget, Thank you again for your time, you helped me a lot! )
Appeared anyway and eat all my memory. Watched about this last three days to be sure
Could you please upload a new set of logs? I want to check if it's doing the same thing again.
Done during the process, I killed the phps after saving the file, #com.jetbrains.php and #com.intellij.execution.configurations.GeneralCommandLine were entered. BTW, killed the processes one time for now after the save and everything is quiet now.
Upload id: 2023_11_16_o2GDJvActLyx1hFvDnLRBZ (file:
There are some weird file system exceptions. Could you please clarify what this F:\ drive is?
Win10 Pro LTSC, NTFS, 1Tb SSD, 50% free
Honestly, I don't know. This time, we only start the most basic commands like this one:
Building process with commands: [C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.bat, show, --format=json, -a, --name-only]
It's not clear why PHP processes hang indefinitely when it happens.
When you see this again, could you please open the idea.log file yourself (Help | Show Log in Explorer), check what command we ran, and try running it manually in CMD? You'll need to remove
separating the command-line options.I ran C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.bat, show, --format=json, -a, --name-only in the project folder and got
The "magento/magento-composer-installer"
"2.3.0"). You may need to run composer u
The "magento/inventory-composer-installe
("2.3.0"). You may need to run composer
Command "," is not defined.
Got infinity loop with no commas
Yep, that's why I wrote that you'll have to remove the separators.
And this is why you get hanging PHP processes. You need to find out why your Composer runs in a loop. Perhaps a Composer plugin or something?
Ok, great, what should be the std behavior for the non-commas “C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.bat, show, --format=json, -a, --name-only”?
I have php command tool plugin in Storm also, may be the problem is there?
I can reinstall the Composer. Not too clear what result should I reach
Generally I need the basic idea to move forward. BTW, no such problem on WSL2
Ok, reporting:
1. Windows CLI without commas: I gave you the wrong information, it's a too long process, not infinity. It stopped after 3 minutes on z letter
2. Storm: the processes started to multiply, took about 90 of 64Gb memory percents. I turned off the Storm and it's continue to stay in this stage till reboot. I was waiting for some chages about 15-20 minutes
Maybe it's Xdebug that makes everything slow?
Could you please disable Xdebug completely for the PHP interpreter in
(make sure you don't have Xdebug mentioned inphp -v
) and check if the isssue persists.I haven't it, but checked anyway. No Xdebug in my setup. Checked the path also to be sure
Could you please edit your composer.bat file and add the --no-plugins option there? The line should look like this:
php "%~dp0composer.phar" --no-plugins %*
Would that make the issue go?