How to start a locally installed Android Studio that I started for testing, skipping the initial Setup Wizard steps?
I need to test for an android studio ide plugin. So I need to start an android studio ide for test. I can make this like that.
intellij {
localPath.set("D:/Program Files/Android/Android Studio")
runIdeForUiTests {
systemProperty "robot-server.port", "8082"
systemProperty "", "false"
systemProperty "jb.privacy.policy.text", "<!--999.999-->"
systemProperty "jb.consents.confirmation.enabled", "false"
systemProperty "ide.mac.file.chooser.native", "false"
systemProperty "jbScreenMenuBar.enabled", "false"
systemProperty "apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "false"
systemProperty "", "true"
systemProperty "", “false”
My Actual Result :
However, I want to start this test ide with an Android project that has skipped the Setup Wizard steps and exists locally. Is it possible ? If it is possible How can I do this ?
My expected result:

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Hi, you can pass the project path as an argument when running the `runIde/runIdeForUiTests` task
`./gradlew runIdeForUiTests -Dargs=%PROJECT_PATH%`
Thank you @Eugene Nizienko I will try it. I guess I can't do this with a setting written in the word runIdeForUiTests or with a setting written in Gradle, right? Can I achieve this by adding a setting somewhere in Gradle?
You add it to the `runIdeForUiTests` task
runIdeForUiTests {
Thank you so much. It works