UI is weird on Clion Mac

You can see from the screenshot. the tabs are messed up. the menu is messed up. Options are not shown. Not sure how to tigger it. I have uploaded logs with upload service too. Upload id: 2023_11_13_W5ra2URdciphUdjbgi5mAA (file: idea.log) How do I solve it? It always happen on my Mac.
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Does it by any chance happen after disconnecting the external display / waking OS from sleep (JBR-4619)?
I barely use external monitor.
It happens right after I open clion and open my project too.
It seems like it always happens when I open a huge project(with millions of cpp and h files). it doesn't happen if I open a project with just tens of cpp/h files.
It seems like a different bug but may be related. I will try to dig into it.
it seems like it's related to “Enable Preview Tab”. If I disable “Enable Preview Tab", this issue won't appear anymore.
Lion547016 unfortunately there's no clear indication of the root cause in the log that you provided. However there are multiple freezes logged.
Could you please indicate if this happens only when a certain file type (e.g. cmake) is opened in the preview tab?
Please collect CPU snapshot while reproducing the issue the next time, see this instruction (section CPU usage is hight or IDE is slow).
If possible please additionally share complete logs captured via IDE main menu Help | Collect logs and diagnostic data right after you finish collecting the CPU snapshot.
You can upload both snapshots and logs to https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ , just let us know the upload ID. Thank you!
ok. I will collect these info once I get a chance to trigger this issue again.