Microsoft Edge extensions are removed?


does anyone here in the community also have a problem with the profiles in Microsoft Edge?

Since the end of October I have the problem that when I debug my React app from WebStorm with Microsoft Edge - that the extensions in my main profile are deleted.

If I use a JS Debug run configuration and Edge as browser I get a user data directory under "%localappdata%/jetbrains/webstorm[version]" which is correct, because I don't want to debug with the skin profile-

However, when I stop debugging, close the debug instance of the browser and then open the normal Edge browser - with my main profile - all extensions are deleted.

I'm unfortunately not clear if this is a Microsoft Edge issue or if it's somehow caused by WebStorm, so I'm curious if anyone here has had the same experience?



We are not aware of such issues, nothing similar had ever been reported. All the IDE does is starting Edge with --remote-debugging-port=<port> --user-data-dir="~\AppData\Local\JetBrains\WebStorm<version>\chrome-user-data-<port>" --no-first-run --disable-fre --no-default-browser-check

I'm not sure why the existing extensions in a different user directory can be removed after doing this. Could you check Windows events logs to find due to which process or program it was removed?


I enabled auditing for the specific folder.
The extensions do get deleted by msedge.exe.

Strange tho why this always happens after closing the instance started from within the IDE

I'd suggest reporting the issue to Microsoft

I can confirm that this is indeed a Microsoft Edge problem and has nothing to do with the Jetbrains IDEs, this behaviour can be replicated with VSCode too!

Thank you!


Thanks for investigations!


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