Creating plugin for New project Wizard, how to remove "next" button.
Hi every one,i'm new with Intellij IDE, i'm creating a new plugin for new project wizard window, and what i want is to remove or better said replace “next” and set “finish” button instead, i don't know how to do it.
Thanks very much.
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Please explain your usecase in more detail. What “next” action do you need to suppress?
I apologize about my previous explanation, What i want is to replace Next button and set Finish button instead, i hope the screenshot clarify the issue, sorry about my english.
And what happens now when you press “Next” and why do you need to disable that screen?
I dont want Next button, i want to remove Next button, i want only two buttons, Finish Button and Cancel button, that all.
Sorry for long delay, is the problem still actual? Could you please share your code?