Can you make a InstellJ Ultimate stable version please ?
The current version is AWFUL REALLY !
Please stop add stupid useless feature, 80% of users probably use only 20% of all features, the most important thing is to have a STABLE IDE which is definitely not the case anymore.
Some example of daily problems :
- Freeze regularly (need to kill -9, sometimes at ‘vcs initialization’ )
- Infinite progress bar (a popup without any text btw, maybe linked to python plugin)
- slow indexing
- bug with file system : sometimes the tree do not show a file while the file is here (the file is on the disc, shown in shell and in the git panel, but not in the file tree on the left so we cannot open it, force a refresh do nothing, we can have this situation when we switch git branch for example). We need to restart IntellJ.
I do not have time to report all this bugs, there are obvious and we are few developers in my company to have noticed that, it should be easy to detect them on your side.
I love your product, I pay for the Ultimate version, please do not destroy your own product just to add hype but useless features. I can believe that some problem comes from Flatpak on Linux but some others developpers face some similar issues without using Flatpak.
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Build #IU-232.10203.10, built on October 24, 2023
Forgot also another painful point : the last version (with new UI) is significantly slower than before.
Hello, Lacaute Yannick. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback, and please accept my apologies.
Could you please share the IDE logs (
Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data
)? I want to check if some related errors are reported there. You can do it using the JetBrains Uploads service and write here the ID you receive.I just uploaded 50Mo of logs containing 14 thread dumps.
I also forget to mention another problem specific to python : Intellj does not remember python modules, we can create them, it works, but as soon as we restart Intellj we have to recreate them.
Could you please specify where exactly you uploaded it (ticket number if you submitted one, for example) so I can take a look?
Another problem: sometimes the tree is not updated, some files are still marked as changed while everything is commited. It's look like many problems have the same common point : the file system.
I would not be surprised if this would come from Flatpak.
new upload : 2023_11_27_qcLH7CNk2zLU8Hk1bb6bnW
Another problem : sometimes when I open my project, everything (module/directories disappear).

I have to restart Intellj…
Could you please try the IDEA 2023.3 Beta here to see if it helps:
Does it help?
Do you still have any issues with the 2023.3 version? Thanks.
Last version does not fix issues (freeze, file system desynchronization with the ui file tree, etc)
IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.1 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-233.11799.300, built on December 12, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.9+7-b1087.7 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Linux 6.1.0-16-amd64
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 4096M
Cores: 12
Non-Bundled Plugins:
Pythonid (233.11799.300)
ru.adelf.idea.dotenv (2023.3)
org.sonarlint.idea (
Kotlin: 233.11799.300-IJ
Current Desktop: KDE
Hello, Lacaute Yannick. Could you please share the fresh IDE logs (
Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data
) after reproducing the issue? I want to check if something has changed there.We are sorry for your bad experience.
After sharing the log, can you please click the "Help | Edit Custom VM Option", add in a new line.
Then use the "File | Invalidate Caches | enabled the "Clear file system cache and Local History" option | Invalidate and Restart" from the main menu.
Does it fix this issue for you now?
Hello, for information my Intellij is up to date and I still encounter many problems.
The most critical problem is that the file tree is regularly de-synchronized with the file sytem, even a force refresh does not refresh it. The only solution is to close all Intellij instances and reopen, this is a critical painful point.
@Lacaute Yannick Have you tried these steps? Does it help to fix this issue, or you still have this issue after these steps?
I just did it, for now it is working but I will come back here in few days because the hard thing is the issue appears randomly (sometimes the file tree is updated as expected, and sometimes it is not and I have to kill all Intellj instances).
I add another unexpected behavior with typescript but maybe not new :
While the Recast type is declared like this :
Intellij failed on checking promise while it is compiling on CLI.
And Intellij Node interpreter is explicitely pointing on node 21.5.0.
One year later, the situation hasn’t really improved. Repairing the IDE or invalidating the cache (with all options) does not resolve all the issues.
Many developers around me have noticed significant regressions since your version with the new UI in 2023 or 2022, don't remember exactly.
@Lacaute Yannick Sorry to hear that you're still experiencing this issue.
Could you please click `Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data` in the IDE's main menu of your current version, upload the log to, and share us the upload id so we can take a look at your issue again? Thank you!