Problem with path for console log in IDEA
Cannot run program "C:\Users\FernandoLopez\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2023.2\idea64.exe.vmoptions" (in directory "C:\Users\FernandoLopez\IdeaProjects\untitled"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 n’est pas une application Win32 valide
here is a message error of IDEA for a Javascript try,
what can i do ? Where is the right Path to interpreter ?
Thank you
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Could you please share some screenshots or screen recording of the issue you are facing?
Or if possible, please share a sample project to try to reproduce the issue on our end.
Please check the Node.js interpreter configuration:
You can zip and upload the mentioned files securely here:, just provide the uploaded file ID. Thanks!
thanks, i have install node and create the path in IDE then there is no more error message,
have a good day.